About me

Brief Bio

I'll do my best to keep this brief. I'm a 26 years old (as of Nov 2015) woman who is married, has 2 mutts and a tarantula. I've played Petz for years and took up hexing just a few years ago. After my hard drive failed and I lost all of my petz in early 2015, I decided it was a good opportunity to start over again. I'm trying to keep my numbers small and manageable since there's a lot of stressful stuff going on in my life right now. Fingers crossed I'll be able to say differently soon. :)


AngryKitten - Purebred Show Catz, Preferred Breedz
AKI - Purebred Show Catz
Regality - Purebred Show Dogz, Preferred Breedz
KEZ - Purebred Show Dogz
Jovial - Mixed Breed Petz

Petz Games

Petz 4

Petz Related Skills

Breeding - Novice (1)
Hexing - Beginner (2)
Showing - Novice (1)