bandicam 2013-06-16 23-28-36-047Persephone seemed to enjoy her time away from the boys. She felt a little bored but a Twilight Sparkle doll was a nice distraction. She eventually rested on the surface and the boys continued to have their pow-wow at the bottom of the metaroom. I gathered them all below hoping for some more social interactions but aside from the occasionally crunch of food, they were more interested in sleeping.

It was a while before our Matriarch wanted more eggs but when she wanted them, she sought them out. She actually chased the boys out of their hideaway but couldn’t seem to get pregnant again.

bandicam 2013-06-16 23-50-58-727I’d checked her organs and HoverDoc said she was well so my only guess was that her timing was bad or that the boys weren’t as interested as they were at first. Maybe tomorrow will bring her better luck.

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