When we left off, our not-chatty-at-all Geats had just learned to use the Elevines and were happily munching in the Norn Meso. It was about then that I decided to go overboard adding food.

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First, I added a lot of life from the collection of agents that came with Gaius. The butterflies and solar flowers are easily my favorites.

bandicam 2014-07-08 18-17-51-531Then, I added The Lost Cave, fixed up the elevators and installed a Torii to make the room accessible. Then I added more of the agents from the pack that I mentioned above. It wasn’t long after I had their artificial ecology going before I suddenly got a pregnancy alert!

bandicam 2014-07-08 18-24-30-209Sadly, there were so many Botanoids in the way that I didn’t get to see the egg being laid but I did scoop it up and set it underwater in the cave. Its parents were soon to follow. It didn’t take long for Shibuichi to discover that she enjoyed pushing doors and she repeatedly pushed the Torii. I don’t know whether she was playing with the door or the teleportation was too fast for her C3/DS brain to process that she’d travelled but eventually she stopped and travelled back to the incubator plate in the Norn Meso. Time to swap for Interporters, I think.

bandicam 2014-07-08 18-37-46-800I had Shibuichi test the Interporter and it seemed to work – at least she travelled between them more slowly than with the Torii. She seemed more fascinated with playing with the Interporter than in getting pregnant again so I allowed her and Chromel to relax and eat at their leisure. I was a little disappointed that they weren’t going nuts with children, which is something I’d come to expect with my previous nurture experiences. However, these creatures were exactly teh way I liked them. They were lazy, happy and relaxed. Every once in a while they would stir from their naps and kisspop or complain about a need. Still, the relaxed pace was just what I needed.

bandicam 2014-07-08 18-40-46-354It was about when I started to enjoy the quiet that I decided to hatch their baby.

This wide eyed little one is named Alumite. Immediately after hatching she did the first thing many baby Creatures would do – she started putting food in her mouth. I quickly exported her and hoped she would have some siblings. I would love to contribute more creatures to the Creatures Link and it didn’t feel right to introduce new blood myself into the Gaius pool. I decided that any babies I kept from this union would go towards my own Gaius world in the future. Maybe.

Her parents made their way to the Norn Meso again and continued to live their lives as they had before. Fat, happy and lazy.

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