First things first, I would love to have people test out this breed I made. Secondly, you’re welcome to read the long study/rant I have about the Ultimate Life Norn genome, which these guys are inspired by.

Please, before you ask to be a tester, though, skim through this post to see what I was trying to do and to come up with suggestions for what I can do to improve the breed.

Download Version 1

I sorted the genes by type and, along the way, I injected norns to see the effect that various toxins had. The antigen effects in the Biochemistry Receptor were all turned off so that they didn’t have the opportunity to damage the organs.

Before I turned off Geddonase, though, I added a baby to see what it would do. As it turns out, Geddonase doesn’t just break down Adipose Tissue (according to the Creatures Wiki) But it actually attacks organ Liver B. Once that organ dies, the creature dies. That is just one example, though.

I went on to make other edits and learned more about Muscle Toxin than I did about this genome but I’ll share that discovery with you in the future.

Here are my notes:

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

With these changes I plopped an egg into my testbed, filled the room with bacteria and macrobacteria and watched him thrive. Once in a while pain would cause him discomfort but in general he was fine. High woundedness (from slapping, for example) was still enough to kill him and he still requires ATP and Energy to survive so he should be able to starve to death.

I injected another egg into the world and tested this theory.

While I did that it was time to address the Appearance. I was actually feeling a bit lazy so simply slid all of the “Swap” sliders in Pigment bleed down to the left and changed body parts. Here’s what I came up with.

bandicam 2013-12-05 23-31-37-968

Why throw in a Grendel Tail? Well. I loves me some Grendels.

Before I finished the appearance the little critter I’d deprived of food died and at the same rate as any other creature. So far, things were looking like a success and I was ready to debut this breed on the interwebs. If you’re interested in testing this breed out with me, download a pair of them here and leave a comment, report your findings on your blog, or PM me on Creatures Caves. 😀

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I have egg agents now in 3 flavors for both versions. Download them below!


As I’ve never played with Gizmo norns myself (I love the CFE genome too much) I don’t fully know what to expect. I have two versions. So far, they’re all bengals.

Original Age and Reproduction Genes

Egg Agent

These guys have the original lifespan and reproduction genes. This means that they can still become super breeders.

Gizmo Age and Reproduction Genes

Egg Agent

These guys have the shorter lifespan (about 5 hours) and can’t breed til they reach adulthood.

If you test these guys out, be sure to contact me on CCaves or e-mail me at

If you have a blog, you are more than welcome to post your findings there.

A quick note before I leave you to try these guys out on your own:

I’ve found that these guys are pretty hard to just leave alone to grow by themselves and that they won’t pass the IQ test without guidance. Once you’ve taught them what to eat and how to mate, they make wonderfully independent creatures.

Good luck and have fun!

More breeds to come.

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Still more wolflings. This time, they’re all generation 24.

Bengal Run Generation 24

Xenos (pictured) is the only one with Banshee Grendel Arms.

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Sadly, these two fish still have not mated so I haven’t gotten much progress in my work with this strain of guppies. I’ll have more eventually.

Onto the wolflings!

I’ve been running a private Bengal wolfling run in the background for the last few days, usually while I was doing or working on other things.

Some of them might have Gizmo genes from the CFE/Gizmo genome I’m working on and others might have farbe genes but they’re all bengals who are generation 20 plus. They’ve also all passed the IQ test!

Here are 6 Generation 20+ Wolfling Bengals for your downloading pleasure.

Wolfing Bengals Part 1

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