Wow! I’m surprised I’m doing a blog world again. For a while there, I was just super caught up in other things, but I’m around now.

Ghost_Norn and I haven’t given up on our Trade world concept and now, I’m honoring my half of the trade. Let’s meet the babies I’ll be playing with this round.

1janeFirst, the Gen 1 creature that Ghost_Norn sent me. I had no idea what breed she would be, but I’m glad she turned out to be a pretty little Astro girl. Truth be told, I’d probably be happy with anything, but I was just really happy to see that pretty purple color.

She didn’t take long at all to use the HLM but she wanted more. Sad thing had to learn her lesson about the HLM patch early and before long, she talked about how lonely she felt. Not for long, though!


Next, I brought in Billowy Scarecrow, who I renamed to William. He was from my side and was probably starving from his IQ test. He was showered with food and I tried my best to teach him to use the HLM. He took some convincing, but once he was educated, he was happy to tell me how bored he was.

3annaAnna was another from Ghost_Norn’s side. She already knew her words and was happy to express herself. She even took to bossing William around right away! It wasn’t long til the 3 babies were marching around the lower level of the Meso together. I decided to let them walk around together and learn before importing the next babies.

Perhaps the most important lesson, I taught them to rest when tired but they’d already figured out eating.


Next, was Uneven Weather, who I renamed to Geoffrey, who came from my previous world. He was identical to his brother in appearance and I wondered if he had the same gene that made William feel cold.

5percyPricey Tomatoes was another of my boys and, though he was similar in appearance to his brothers, his arms were different. I renamed him Percy. Like the others, it didn’t take a lot of coaxing to get him to press the HLM.

6susanLast, though certainly not least, came Susan, another girl from Ghost_Norn. She immediately pressed the HLM, as though she hatched and set her mind to learning Handish.

Now that the babies were all hatched and fed, it      was time to move them to the Norn Terrarium (after unleashing some cleansing Roamers, of course). I baby-proofed the pond with a Lavaball (teleporting kind) and watched and waited.

Some were already starting to age and get older, like the boys I’d put through the IQ test. Susan, Anna and Jane were all lagging behind but would soon catch up. Jane was the first of them.

Percy did have a little bit of a disaster but as soon as I’d heard the whining, I forced him to eat fruit and play with toys. After that, there didn’t seem to be any trouble for a while. Until Percy neglected to eat his greens again. I started to suspect I would have to teach him to eat them more than once in his life but everyone else seemed to know to play when bored and eat when hungry. I’d have an adventure ahead of me, that was certain.

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