Today I’m going to take a break from getting my downloads working and I’m going to set up an AFK wolfling run to go throughout the day, all on its own.

To begin with, I installed a whole lot of agents including Room Edits, Elevines and Garden Box to fix some issues with the C1toDS room I’d be using and lots of growing food.

Once I’d created a bridge across the ocean, fixed all the elevators and made CA Links, it was time to introduce the norns.

These six randomly chosen norns would be our group. Yes, they were random! I let Eggonicer choose the eggs and it decided it wanted two bruins and two magmas. As the day goes, I’ll be adding new, generation 1 norns to keep the population stable and diverse. I’ve taught them all their vocabulary using the Vocabulizer but won’t be using it to teach subsequent generations of norns.

Roughly an hour after I unleashed these little ones, I found a death notification on the hud.

Adalwin was the first to die. As I wasn’t around (doing laundry, showering, tending to my dogs, etc.) I have no idea what did him in. Eggonicer did its job and quickly replaced him with Ayahiko, another Bengal Boy.


Before long, there was a pregnancy indication! Albuin would father Andorea’s new baby. She laid her egg and the Eggonicer quickly whisked it away to deploy when another norn passed away.

Speaking of norns, I decided to hatch a new norn. I decided on a male FairyFloss norn that the autonamer named Asaichirou.

By now, Andorea and Albuin were separated from the others by the low roof of the temple. Some quick fixes with room edit fixed the problem and I was off to my day again.

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Look at Penny! She’s not a baby anymore. She spent a good while getting to know the Grendel on the island and I think she made a friend! Little did I know what was around the corner, though.

They were both sick! Antigen 2 was attacking the both of them. I managed to get Godfried to eat some food but Penny was stuck spinning in a circle and frowning. Patrick was still willing to eat but Penny wasn’t cooperating much. I finally got her to pick up a honey pot and Godfried stole it!

Next thing I knew, everyone was sick!

Patrick frightened me the most. He was sick with Antigen 3 and his health plummeted in only a few seconds! His health increased to 33% from a dangerous 14% after I fed him some parsnips. Then to 45%. Godfried made a full recovery and Penny’s health recovered from 35% up to 60% though she was still sick.

Most tragic was the death of Abigail. I’m sad to see her go though I know her suffering has finally come to an end. She has no eggs to call her own. She spent her last minutes alive with her father, eating Parsnips at the bottom level of the island. At the time, the observation kit paused (I wish it wouldn’t do that) so I carted him away to give him some space and food. Without him, Abi was free to eat the last of the parsnips, but it was too late. Godfried is the one who watched her take her last breath. I hate to have siblings witness each other’s deaths because it always seems so tragic.

With everyone on the up, though, it was time to move on.

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Yup! Already. This is exciting! This is the first set of successful parents I’ve ever had in C1. Normally I jump the gun and adopt a whole bunch of eggs at once just to have them get sick or fail to mate before they die of old age. Hooray for AppleJack and Patrick!

Sadly, their little girl had just the problem that I suspected she would. Because Hunger Decrease didn’t actually decrease her hunger (boredom instead) she was in a state of constant hunger. She grew up quickly and it looked like she’d entered adolescence at only 15 minutes old! I fear the stress of always feeling hunger was affecting her aging. I’m going to have to keep her from breeding, sadly. The last thing I want is a population of norns that are always miserable, and I hope you agree.

The whole family got together after AppleJack laid her third egg. The only norn missing from this picture is Patrick. With both of the ladies smacking away his advances, he busied himself in the tree, carrying a ball with him.

Later, they branched off so AppleJack was resting in the garden, Abigail stayed nearby to visit her mom and Godfried strayed into the jungle. Since everyone was becoming more independent, I decided to introduce a new gen one baby.

Off to the hatchery! I decided to choose a lady this time to increase the odds of new eggs. We can hope it works out that way. I don’t want Abigail breeding, anyway.

Meet Penny!

LOBES120  5   0 Emb   B MutDup       Lobe #= 6 Dendrite Type 0: Input Lobe=8, Min#=129, Max#=128, Spread=0, Fanout=8

Normally, the minimum is 128. I still don’t know much about the norn brain but the math here is what confuses me. Logically, you can’t have a maximum number that’s lower than the minimum number. She doesn’t seem too badly effected, though so I don’t think there’s a real issue.

She was educated, fed and took a brief nap. Soon, she was playing with the ball and I left for a moment to check on the others.

 The boys and girls from our family of 4 had paired off. The boys chose to explore the island and the girls seemed to be sharing secrets in the jungle. Abigail was an adult now at only 44 minutes old. There was nothing she could do to cure her hunger and the stress was definitely taking its toll.

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Hooray! Due to my own negligence, their second egg hatched. I couldn’t pick it up since it was still growing and got distracted again.


89  15   0 Chi   B MutDupCut   Brain, Decision i/ps, Chemical 1, chem=Punishment, thresh=0, nom=0, gain=255, features=Analogue

The difference in this gene from the default is that here, the gene is effective once the creature becomes a child instead of during the embryonic stage. The gene is called “Punishment Reforct – Receptor” so my guess is that this gene controls whether Punishment creates a negative effect in the creature’s brain.

1   1   0 Emb   B MutDup       WasteH2O 130

In the original genome, the half life of WasteH2O is 128 so here, the half-life -would- be slightly longer, except that the game will still leave the half-life at 5 hours since 130 isn’t recognized by the game.

134   4   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   Drive i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 177*Punishment

Now, instead of being punished when he stands still, he’s punished when he either pushes something when he’s bored, or when I push him when he’s bored. I’m iffy on this one, but either way, I don’t know how I’m supposed to help him when he’s bored now.

When I was done checking on him, it was time to teach him the basics. I tended to his education and, when his father finally left him alone, I fed him some carrots and I got him to sleep. He got to sleep much more quickly than his parents did, that’s certain.

Before long, I saw that AppleJack was spending time with her little boy and, since he was a child now, I decided to introduce his sibling into the world, too.


122 Different in File 1   7   0 Emb   B Mut          Lobe #= 8 Dendrite Type 0: Input Lobe=0, Min#=1, Max#=1, Spread=3, Fanout=2

Normally, Max is 3. I don’t know anything about Creatures brains so I don’t have much input. All I can gather is that the maximum number of connections is 1 here and that doesn’t give her brain much room to remove or create connections.

73  15   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   1*Hunger– + 1*Boredom => 1*Reward + 1*<NONE>; half-life = 8.

Normally, this chemical is Hunger.  Now, Hunger Decrease and Boredom are converted to Reward. I think this means that she’ll always be hungry but she’ll never be bored. I don’t know whether she will want to eat or not since Hunger Decrease won’t actually decrease her hunger anymore. As long as she eats, she should be fine.

146  30   0 Emb   B MutDup      1*Glucose + 2*Hexokinase => 4*CO2 + 1*NFP; half-life = 24.

Normally, instead of Need For Pleasure, this is none. Now, when she is producing energy she’s not just producing CO2, she’s also producing Need for Pleasure. I’m not sure how that translates and I can’t find much information on the wiki about how to decrease Need For Pleasure.

231  40   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   2*Antigen5 + 1*Glucose => 1*Antibody5 + 1*Hotness; half-life = 88.

Normally, the half-life is 80. She gets this gene from her father. Since he didn’t get sick I don’t know whether this means she’ll recover slowly or not. If we’re lucky, she won’t get sick at all!

Once she was educated, I got her to eat some food and she decided to spend some time with her mom.

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