It didn’t take long for Persephone to choose a best friend and it seemed like Errol was it. Unfortunately, Errol only seemed to be able to produce one egg at a time. With Persephone headed for the surface, it was time to spend some time with the boys. Pilot waited on the surface, munching apples and greeting Persephone when she had to lay. Errol followed her up so it seemed like everyone was excited about her new egg.

bandicam 2013-06-12 23-53-46-074One blue egg popped into existence and soon it was life as usual. I eventually had to block off the third layer from the bottom because poor Errol kept dropping and hurting himself. I know the Swimmer Agent is an option but I’d rather have them all be able to use the elevators.

Soon, the seasons changed and the food moved to the bottom level. I failed to mention this earlier, but I have a small migrational requirement in place as well. Eggs laid during Autumn/Winter are at a slight disadvantage because Persephone would most likely be at the bottom level. Speaking of, Persephone was the mother of two more eggs. It was hard to tell who the fater was, though my money was on Pilot. Sadly, she laid them both underwater and both were destroyed.

They were all adults soon and seemed to take a break from breeding with the change of season. I don’t have the seasonal gender fix (at least I don’t think so) so it’ll be interesting to see how this affects the world. What will happen next? Stay tuned to find out.

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