lookatthatduck(lawl, thank you Spykkie!)

bandicam 2013-12-09 19-46-21-773Download

The duck toy comes in more colors than shown. When it’s pressed it can dip below the water before it rises again. It also quacks. 😀 On top of its usual toy perks, it also alleviates loneliness and anger.

Sprites courtesy of mea at Caos of the Creatures Realm.

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As you might remember from one of my previous posts, I wanted to start doing a regular creatures stream.

I’m finally in a position in my life where this sort of thing is very feasible but I need your help if I’m going to do it.

It’s looking more and more like it’ll be an LNA style stream but with the Warp down, I’d have to manually receive creatures in an e-mail and label them in-game. Not that big a deal, but it’s the best we can work with right now.

That said, I do like to play the game so on top of a daily stream, we might have interruptions to our regular programming in the form of me, well, playing the games (to include C1 and C2, maybe even CV), narrating and having conversations with the people in the chat. These pleasant interruptions will probably be minimal but in any case, I hope you enjoy them, too.

For now, the creatures stream is hosted at twitch.tv/DailyCF  so if you’d like to check out what we have going on now, head over there. If you’d like to submit creatures to the stream, shoot me an e-mail at kezune_twitch@hotmail.com with either the genome or the .creature file that you want to submit. For now, creatures that only use the Creature Lab sprites are allowed. That means creatures with interesting genomes are definitely allowed so long as they aren’t intentionally immortal or invincible and use only official CL breed sprites. For example, Colortrue norns would be allowed because they use CL sprites. If I find that they are immortal or invincible, I’ll remove them from the stream without any hard feelings or ‘bad marks’. You’re welcome to submit all the creatures you like, though, even egg bombs.Please bear with me, the breed restriction is only in place until I can sort out what breeds I have installed. I’ll compile a list later. 🙂

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bandicam 2013-12-08 23-25-19-792Download

Yup. Made some logs using mea’s sprites. I swear, I could use her sprites for my entire agent making learning adventure.

One more of her sprites and then I’ll give spriting a shot though it’s been years since I did any sprite work.

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No? You didn’t?

Well I wanted me to make agents. So I did!

bandicam 2013-12-08 13-26-32-605bandicam 2013-12-08 17-41-36-074

On the left we have Charles the Cheese and on the right a Sparkleseed Plant (sprites courtesy of mea at Caos of the Creatures Realm).

bandicam 2013-12-08 18-33-00-945It’s a little embarassing but it took me all afternoon to make the plant and all evening to get the decay and vendor to work. (Big thanks to Liam and Ghosthande for helping me out!) If you like, you can click on the photo to the left there (with the vendor) to download the agent.

Download it, let me know what you think and what I could do to improve it. This is my first agent, after all. 🙂


bandicam 2013-12-08 18-58-36-125And here’s a silly bonus picture. These things will grow everywhere!

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