As you might know, I’ve gotten a decent computer in my possession again. That said, I’m giving Pearlmaids a much, MUCH bigger space to live in. That said, I had to come up with new ways to encourage females to lay eggs outside of water. Naturally, that called for Coral Emitters. After polluting the world with wildlife, portals, doors, toys and more, it was time to select the creatures for this new world. Oh. Yes. I decided to start with a fresh population of Colortrue norns. :3

Now, instead of starting with three like I did the last time, I’ll be starting with 14(!). Yes. Fourteen. I’ll be adding one male and one female of each of the available colors. Let’s meet them!
Here they are! Thanks to Amaikokonut’s New Shortcuts, it was a breeze to get them all to pose this way. I taught them language with the Vocabulizer and Soon, they were off!
I could already tell that this would be an interesting world. Cerulean (blue female) was the first out of the Meso and took a brief nap in the hallway. Soon, Vincent (green male) followed her, then Raul(yellow male)! Actually, they all seemed interested in exploring but no one really committed to their new location. Soon, I felt a headache coming on from the sound of them using the Torii.

After what felt like an hour of door pushing, the babies had become adolescents (only 24 mintues old) and they were starting to change. That said, I needed a break from “Breeen-bree-bree-bree-breeeeeen~”.
In the desert things were getting out of hand. There wasn’t much I could do but eliminate ALL of the butterflies but I’d rather have an excess of them than none at all.
The roses on the beach were in full bloom. Thankfully.
The right side of the Aquarium was full of life (and food) for once. It was nice to have a reef. But speaking of reefs.
The left side had much of the same wild life! But the reef doesn’t stop here.
And in the Devil’s Reef we find- wait. Are those… Aubergines? 
When I returned, I was still pretty sick of the sound of the Torii being activated so to drive the norns out, I filled the Meso with bees.
It started to seem like mission accomplished though I had a new job on my hands for the future. That’s unrelated, though. Now that all the babies were about a half hour old, I had to keep an eye out for eggs. I’m borrowing Jessica of Discover Albia’s idea and making the first female to mate the alpha for the next generation.

Given a White Tiara
Goldie was the first to lay an egg, closely followed by Violette. As I removed the Torii and their respective CA links and replaced them with elevines. (They want to travel to new waters? They can walk.)
More pregnancies followed and it looked like soon I would have my hands full with eggs. Those would have to wait til after this generation passed away so I at least had a lot of time to mull over what to do with them. Yes, they were all laid on land. Instead of removing all of the females but Goldie, however, I decided to leave the eggs and sort them later. Goldie’s daughters and all the boys would continue their legacy in my game and the others would be distributed to anyone who wanted them. Why aren’t I just chucking out extra eggs? Last time, I didn’t have such good luck as far as their genes go.
I haven’t worked out every detail yet, but we’ll see. I’m kind of winging it as I go this time. Well. We’ll figure out some more next time.