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Though I managed to save the last baby, Valerie was still pregnant. I saved this baby as well though I thought it might be identical to the last baby. It seemed like this world was giving up again and it was time to create a new one.
I opened the old world, exported Grentilda and Tanner and waited for Valerie to lay this egg, which I would have to destroy with the old world. Once she had, she was exported and it was time to start from scratch.
I had Grentilda lead the world so I could apply some cobs and then it was time to bring in Valerie and Tanner again.
Grentilda waited til Valerie led the way out of the house but soon, the two ladies were out and exploring Albia. Tanner, on the other hand, was busy napping on the second floor of the house. They were both hungry on import so it was time to eat. Tanner ate the first time I asked but Valerie required some nagging and a quick slap. They were both 7 hours, 29 minutes old so I figured I could at least try to keep them healthy. They’ve both given me some serious scares already and I could do without any more.

Leave it to Valerie to give me hope for the future, though. She kept flashing me smiles from inside the submarine. I think she was happy to be on an adventure in a more stable Albia. Since she wasn’t sick or pregnant, I also knew that she was at least comfortable.
Tanner, on the other hand, was less than reassuring.
This frowning boy refused to eat anything. He wouldn’t eat food, he wouldn’t eat herbs and even when he got it in his head to, he wouldn’t eat weeds. I had to give up on him for a little while to feed Valerie, who ate willingly. Soon, it was back to Tanner, though. Will he eat? I don’t know, but I have a plan.