… A little annoyed with Ainarda.
I got tired playing with sleeping genes and trying to learn about genes without the aid of CDR so I returned to my C3 world. The game broke so I had to start over with this group.
This time, though, I’m putting them through the ropes. I’ve noticed some weird walks and haven’t had the time or knowledge to investigate their genetic mutations. To keep the group healthy, I’m going to put them through the classic IQ test. If they can’t make it to the meso before Adolescence, they’re getting neutered.

Penny was first. When she turned 11 minutes old and became a child, she made a beeline for the norn meso in search of starch. Since she was 4 minutes old at the start, this means it only took her 7 minutes. Next norn!

Knowing that norns (normally) can’t recognize what to do when they’re hungry until they’re children, I fed Bianca at the bottom of the Workshop and watched Pennywhistle explore her new home. While we waited for Bianca to join us, Pennywhistle became an Adolescent. Soon, at 9 minutes old, Bianca finally made her way into the Meso.

Godfrey was next. At 5 minutes old, Godfrey made his way into the hub. He was focused on the door that he’d just exited, though so I checked on the others. Pennywhistle stayed by the Holistic Learning Machine and Bianca explored the top level of the Meso. Finally, as a Child, Godfrey made his way into the Meso. His unusual walk caught my attention again but since he passed, I wouldn’t be neutering him.

More quickly than anyone, Oscar made his way into the hub as a 4 minute old baby. While Oscar bopped around in the hub, Bianca took the first steps into Terra: Reborn. Penny and Godfrey were in the Norn Meso now. At 9 minutes old, Oscar made his way into the Meso and started eating seeds.

With all the other norns in the game, it was time to introduce Baron again. As he turned 10 minutes old, he passed into the hub and Pennywhistle became an adult at just over an hour old. Baron was still just a baby so I was starting to think he might be a slow ager like his grandma five cheese. Finally, at 12 minutes old, Baron made it into the Meso as a child.

With the world lagging quite a bit, I decided to make Charles the last baby for this run. This would make it easy to keep up with all the little ones anyway. As I waited for Charles to make his way to the meso I realized that I only had two females for this little group of six. With their breeding limited to just two eggs each and an unlimited number for the males, it seemed like the males who joined the game first would have the advantage and that we’d be coming out of this with just 4 eggs. This was fine by me.
As I waited, Pennywhistle became pregnant! I was working on the downloads page at the time so I didn’t catch who the father was! We’ll find out in due time.
I checked on Charles to find that he was a child and was still at the bottom of the workshop. It started to seem like he would be the only one who wouldn’t pass the test.

All the other norns, except Godfrey, soon made their way into Terra. Charles was suffering from EES for a little while saying ‘eat door’ while he stood next to the elevine. I slapped him twice to snap him out of it and at 15 minutes old, he finally made his way into the meso. Thankfully, he was still a child and passed the IQ test. With all the other norns in Terra, I scooped him up and brought him to the others.