Get it? Jurassic Park? Anyone? No?
… Fine.
As it turns out, I’m far and away more stubborn than I thought. I hate not being able to blog because of things out of my control: getting sick because some jerk at the DMV didn’t cover his mouth when he coughed, moving to California away from my home in Okinawa, Japan for the hubby’s work and finally, the kicker, my computer giving up on me just before I started the next round of baby norns.
Still, I am incredibly stubborn so I found a way to get the blog on its feet. I nicked my husband’s small travel laptop (well, I asked him if I could use it and he said yes) and though Docking Station and Creatures 3 barely run on it, Creatures 1 still runs pretty well. On top of that, I’ve decided to feature another game. I don’t want to say what it is just yet, but I’ve got some work and research to do before I get started on it anyway.
Back to some Creatures 1, though! I’ve already installed the DDNA Analyzer and C1 Genetics Kit so I’m ready to go. I have a fresh world and the only agents (cobs?) I’ll be using are the Encyclopaedia Nornica and Hand Tickets. I don’t especially enjoy scooting around creating favorite places and I’m not very good at the whole teaching language thing. Not to mention I’d like my norns to be able to tell me how they’re feeling.
I’ve already taken the time to fix the norn genomes to allow them to die of old age and prevent anti-oxidants from increasing their Ageing chemical.
I picked out an egg from the hatchery and put it into the incubator. Next thing I knew, this cute little boy was crawling right out of the house and into the garden.
I’ve decided to name him Patrick (probably coz I was watching Spongebob at the time).
231 40 0 Emb B MutDupCut 2*Antigen5 + 1*Glucose => 1*Antibody5 + 1*Hotness; half-life = 88
Normally, the half life is 80 (5 minutes).
What the change here means is that this reaction should take place more slowly. 88 means that the chemicals will decay from max to 0 in about 10 minutes. What it means for this particular gene is that little Patrick will recover more slowly from Antigen 5. I don’t know whether this’ll also translate to his sickness being less severe when it happens but we’ll see.

I tended to his education by giving him each Encyclopaedia and once he’d learned his words, he was off. It didn’t take him long to make his way to the carrots. He started eating them right away and while he did, I installed a bridge across the ocean.
He didn’t take long to start making a beeline for the herb garden. He complained that he was hot and I successfully talked him into eating some feverfew! Hooray for me! Unfortunately, it didn’t take him long to decide to eat the Pyrethium next to it. I was glad he had some starch but I wasn’t happy about the pain and hunger he must have felt after eating it. Neither was he. He stomped in front of the elevator and made his way below. While we were there, I decided to encourage him to play with the helicopter toy that was there and that seemed to cheer him right up.
He decided to stay below for a while playing with the toy and eating the carrots that were planted there. I encouraged him to push food and he was happy for a little while. When he started to express how angry he was he took the elevator back up and before I knew it, he met his first grendel.
Sadly, this grendel wasn’t particularly friendly. When they met, he started slapping poor Patrick! I slapped the Grendel for him and it didn’t take long for Patrick to obey “run Grendel”.
After his retreat, he was exhausted and kept running from me and food alike. I kept asking him to sleep to no avail.
He stayed in the house now, though and before I knew it, he was 30 minutes old. Not wanting to keep him out of the sexual race, I decided to hatch him a little girlfriend.
Meet AppleJack! Oddly, there were no mutations in her whatsoever! Good for her! I do appreciate that kind of genetic stability(appearance aside).
It didn’t take long to get her lessons out of the way and when she and Patrick met, they were kissing right away. Patrick still complained about feeling hot but he was excited to meet his new friend.
Neither of them would eat so I used the elevators and teleporter to get AppleJack away to the garden. Once there, I punished her for eating a weed, praised her for eating herbs and praised her again for eating lemons. She was angry, probably from eating the weed since Patrick had the same reaction. Pain and hunger don’t make me happy either, after all.

It wasn’t long til she was marching her way up to the tree. She took the elevator down to the deathcap mushroom but didn’t even spare it a glance. She travelled up to the top of the tree and I took the chance to check on Patrick. I used the teleporter to move him to the garden where he ate some honey before complaining about how tired he felt. Soon, AppleJack was tired too but neither of them would sleep. I toggled between them asking them to sleep for a while when I was met with a pleasant surprise.

Patrick was sleeping! When he was done, he was so happy it was like I was dealing with a different norn! Look at that big happy smile!
He was feeling bored now but I guess he’d rather be bored than exhausted. I convinced him to play with the helicopter toy and suddenly he was angry again. I can’t figure it out, either.
When I checked on AppleJack again, she was no longer a baby! Not only that, she was trying to get some shuteye in the cave. I asked her what she was doing then left her to her nap.
It didn’t take long before there were Zs popping up through he submarine. When she woke, she decided to take a quick ride under the ocean to visit the island.
Patrick decided to stay by the helicopter toy and the carrots. He was easily less adventurous than AppleJack. He developed a cough but the observation kit said he was fine. Soon, he was napping again.
AppleJack, on the other hand, was busy exploring the island. While I was there, I checked on the Grendel below and fed him parsnips.

You probably know by now that I don’t have anything against Grendels and actually prefer them over norns sometimes. Creatures 1 doesn’t exactly make caring for Grendels practical in a vanilla world, though so I tend to let them do their own thing. I’ve decided not to name him, either. He seems harmless enough, though.
Soon, AppleJack was on the boat headed back home and I was done with the island for now. I checked on Patrick again to find him in the Garden, getting ready for a nap. He ate a carrot, grabbed a lemon and fell asleep with it in his hands. I’m starting to think he’s a bit of a Mama’s boy. It wasn’t long til AppleJack needed a nap. Like last time, I tried to give her some space to fall asleep. I checked on Patrick to find that he was sleeping again! He’s developed a real love for naps. When he woke up, I gave him a toy to play with and went back to AppleJack. Whatever it was she was looking for, she decided sleep would have to wait til she found it.

Lucky me, I put her on an elevator for a short ride and she took the opportunity to nap.
By now, Patrick was an hour and 17 minutes old and AppleJack was behind him at 47 minutes. With Patrick becoming an adult soon, it was time to take a break and called it a night.