Hey! I made something!

candlesComfort Candles

These three beautiful scented candles are sure to make your Norns, Ettins and Grendels all feel right at home at first sniff.

To light the candles, simply click on them once. To put them out, click on them again. The candles can be moved by the hand while they are lit. Creatures cannot move, light or extinguish the candles.

By the way – for ettins to use gadgets near the ettin home scented candle (or any ettin home smell), they need to have a gene that blinds them to gadets near the ettin home disabled. This gene is called “Ettin gadget stash visual inhibitor” and it is a Brain Tract.

Huge, huge “thank you”s go out to Jesseth who made the beautiful sprites!

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Note that this tutorial is for DS and will work for both docked and undocked worlds.

Relax, I’ve made the edited “DS creatureBreeding.cos” available for download. This is a mod of the updated breeding script. You still need to apply the edits to “!DS game_variables.cos” yourself. 🙂

ideaWhat a good idea!

I decided to take this idea and see how I could get it working. A greater variety of creatures would be a good thing for the stream and I’d already edited my Norn, Grendel and Ettin mothers to lay 6 eggs instead of just 2.

I figured out how to get this working but now I want to show you.

You can use notepad for this tutorial (or a similar text editor) but I’ll be using CAOS Tool.

First things first, go into your Docking Station>Bootstrap>010 Docking Station folder and open the files “!DS_game variables.cos” and “DS creatureBreeding.cos”.

The first one we’ll be editing is !DS_game variables.cos.

When you open it up, you’re going to want to find this code.

* Population checking (replaces C3 population check system)
setv game “breeding_limit” 30
setv game “total_population” 32
setv game “extra_eggs_allowed” 4

We’re going to be adding the following to this section.

setv game “total_norns” 6
setv game “total_grendels” 6
setv game “total_ettins” 6
setv game “total_geats” 6

Keep those red numbers in mind. You can edit those to change the maximum population of each species of creature.

Save the file and close. That’s the easy part out of the way.

Now, open up DS creatureBreeding.cos.

Look for the section that opens up with

************norn egg timer

And scroll down from there until you find this.

* Check the Breeding limit!
setv va98 0
enum 4 0 0
doif dead = 0
addv va98 1
setv va99 game “breeding_limit”
doif va98 ge va99

Now change it to this.

* Check the Breeding limit!
setv va98 0
enum 4 1 0
doif dead = 0
addv va98 1
setv va99 game “total_norns
doif va98 ge va99

Easy, right? Now we just have to do that for every other species.

To start, you want to look for the grendel/ettin egg timer section. Mine was renamed so look for something similar.

**grendel/ettin/geat egg timer

Now, just like with the norn limit, you want to change the check breeding limit section. But you also want to change the first line after the comment shown above.

scrp 3 4 2 9

This makes it apply to grendel eggs only.

* test max creatures limit
setv va98 0
enum 4 2 0
doif dead = 0
addv va98 1
setv va99 game “total_grendels
doif va98 ge va99

And you’re done! Sort of. Now you want to copy everything from the section title

**grendel/ettin egg timer

all the way down to the end of this script


and paste it below. Then you’ll want to make the following edits for ettins.

scrp 3 4 2 9

Should be changed to

scrp 3 4 3 9

Then the population check section can be edited from

* test max creatures limit
setv va98 0
enum 4 2 0
doif dead = 0
addv va98 1
setv va99 game “total_grendels”
doif va98 ge va99


* test max creatures limit
setv va98 0
enum 4 3 0
doif dead = 0
addv va98 1
setv va99 game “total_ettins
doif va98 ge va99

Then paste the section from above again and apply these edits for geats.

scrp 3 4 4 9


* test max creatures limit
setv va98 0
enum 4 4 0
doif dead = 0
addv va98 1
setv va99 game “total_geats
doif va98 ge va99

Save and you’re done!

If you want to apply these edits to old worlds, you need to open up the console (Shift+Ctrl+C) and enter the following.

ject “!DS game_variables.cos” 7

Push enter. Then enter this.

ject “DS creatureBreeding.cos” 7

Push enter. You do not need to do this for new worlds unless you change the variables after the world is created. For example, I created a world to test these script edits and decided I wanted fewer geats and more of the other species. I had to re-inject the variables script.

I apologize if the script isn’t very efficient or the tutorial isn’t well written but there you go. Sorry about the rambling. 🙂

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I haven’t been doing much Creatures-wise aside from the stream so I took tonight to get to work on an idea I had for a new egg-mother. I present to you the Norn Mother.

Norn Mother

Similar to the Grendel Mother and Ettin Mother, this agent creates an invisible egg layer that occasionally lays an egg with any genome starting with an “n”.

When an egg is laid, you will hear the machine make a ‘ka-thunk’ noise. It lays eggs at the same rate as the other Egg Mothers.

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I was recently asked what agents I use for the Daily Creature Feature and, rather than add it to the page (the page is already rather long) I decided to make a blog entry and link to the page to here. Soooooooo….

Here are the agents I’m using for the stream now. They can be turned on and off (or removed and added) as needed.
(Updated January 1, 2014)

Creature Counter
Any Autonamer (CLabs Autonamers, Protective Tub, or Wolfling Namer)
Garden Box
Game Stats
Creatures Nametags
Creature Crossbreeding
Peaceful Death
A.S.K. CCSF07: Corpsecleaner (should the .cos edit fail)
Norn of Infertility (modified by me, though)
Magic Words Core, Cloning, Room Edits
Eem Foo’s Timer and Egg Finder Advanced
Vamp’s Calendar (when I need more indepth information on the seasons, etc.)
DS Eggonicer (not with the Egg Finder, though)
C2toDS (without injecting plants. If the frogs get out of hand, I remove the critters and reinject)
Portal – Intelligence Core
Vocab bot
Lavaball 4
Mini Recycler

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