Really quick, here’s a quick follow up to Bihia. She loves pushing dispensers.


1byotobyoByotobyo isn’t much of a zombie. She lies still but is still very much alive, she can even die when left alone too long! She’s more like a coma patient and it seems she can die when her organs fail or of starvation.

First things first, Byotobyo, unexpectedly, had a lot of her genes intact. Compared with Bihia’s meager 526 genes, Byotobyo has 804, only 22 fewer than the CFE ChiChi genome we’re comparing to. After considering the genes that she’s missing, she appears to be a normal grendel. Except that she doesn’t move. Or talk.

I did notice something very, very strange in the Poses section of the Gene Compare, though. As it turns out, 40 of her pose genes are dormant! Many of them apply to approaching, walking up and downhill, and even shivering, picking things up and wandering are dormant genes! Normally, changes to Poses and gaits can cripple a creature but here, it seems to have frozen her altogether!

As for not speaking when spoken to… I’m not sure how that worked out. I checked her stimuli and there were no changes to the hearing/speaking genes, unless there was a change in a part of her brain that I didn’t know about.

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Score Sheet

Kerplunk – nutter
   5 hours 39 minutes
53 total

Stain – congested
   5 hours 39 minutes
53 total

Drake – puddini
   5 hours 39 minutes
53 total

Synergy – layla
3 hours 27 minutes
32 total

Olga – ettinmaniac
2 hours 15 minutes
21 points
1 egg
5 points
26 total

Flame – ylukyun
1 hour 37 minutes
13 points
2 eggs
10 points
23 total

Mese – harkane5
2 hours 38 minutes
23 total

Verax – linda
2 hours 26 minutes
22 total

Andromeda – calliope812
2 hours 22 minutes
22 total

Dark Cat – mea
2 hours 14 minutes
21 total

Aster – ceruleansilver
1 hour 50 minutes
1 egg
5 points
20 total

Logic – ghost_norn
1 hour 57 minutes
15 total

Spurius – c1anddsaddict
1 hour 57 minutes
15 total

Marsyia – magpie-angel
1 hour 47 minutes
14 total

Mikaela – spaceshiprat
1 hour 19 minutes
11 total

Spike – savannahs11
1 hour 16 minutes
11 total

Chang – Rascii
1 hour 14 minutes
11 total

Adelphos – grendel_man
1 hour 5 minutes
10 total

Lin – arnout
1 hour 2 minutes
10 total

Peri – TrellyDawn
1 hour
10 total

Daedalus – ghosthande
57 minutes
5 total

Delia – havenhoney
55 minutes
5 total

Eve – lucy_mercury
50 minutes
5 total

Akuma – kelzari
43 minutes
4 total

Fidget – laura
31 minutes
3 total

Anai – kittytikara
8 minutes
0 total

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Heh. I haven’t drawn in a while.

This is my entry for the CCSF 2014 Grendel Beauty Contest. Fun stuff!


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Super spooooOOOOOOoooooky!

And I’m about a week late on this whole Halloween thing. HAH! Oh well. I promised mea of Caos of the Creatures Realm that I’d take a look at her zombie creatures. In case you haven’t guessed by now, you should know that I LOVE checking out weird genetics. Let’s get started, and we’ll take it from the top. As in, Alphabetically.



Generation 2 Female Norn

The 4 and a half hour old baby. Besides her strange age, an unusual gait and the fact that she’s eternally sleepy, she looks pretty normal at first glance. A closer look, using Xray shows that she’s eternally sleepy but her tiredness does decrease with rest. She is never hungry but will occasionally eat the Stingers in the Meso. Besides the gait, she might even be a good pet, except that she’s basically incomplete.

Let’s start with the obvious bit, that I showed in the picture above.

File 1 – CFE ChiChi Norn
File 2 – Bihia


These are all genes that are present in the CFE ChiChi but absent in Bihia. All this means, literally, is that she doesn’t have them and because many genes are tied to these organs, she probably lacks those as well or the genes simply aren’t ‘active’. In fact, a closer look at her shows that this is exactly the case.

Spoiler Inside SelectShow


Receptors, Emitters, Reactions, Initial Concentrations

Rather than show you all of the missing genes, I’m just going to say that most of them are missing. Compared to the CFE ChiChi’s 826 genes, Bihia only has 526. The genes that were left in tact weren’t spectacularly different from the CFE ChiChi’s and weren’t of any consequence.

That said, the Receptors, Emitters, Reactions, Initial Concentrations were the sections that had the biggest chunks missing. Heck, in her appearances, she lacks Body, Arm and Leg genes!

Shockingly, the Instincts, Stimuli and Pose sections are all relatively in-tact.

I apologize about her analysis being relatively short but I honestly wasn’t expecting the source of her zombie-dom to be so… simple. She’s a zombie with dead organs because of her incomplete genome! Why isn’t she dead? Well, I have no idea, but I have other zombies to investigate and I might learn more on the way.

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