Sorry for my absence, everyone! My husband just got home from a (short) deployment so we decided to spend our entire weekend together. He also happened to get Monday off so… there you go.

As of today, things should be back to normal.

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Knitting, social obligations and marriage have taken their toll on my schedule again.

Don’t worry, though! I’m still working on the CFE/Gizmo genome and I’ll have it open for testing soon.

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Good news everyone! My computer, no doubt due to some miracle, ran long enough today for me to back up everything onto an external hard-drive. You have no idea how happy this makes me.

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Well. My computer finally gave up the ghost. I’ve lost a lot of files and projects with this computer crashing not including my Creatures projects. I’ve also lost Petz breeds that I’ve made, mods that don’t exist anymore for my favorite game ever, Morrowind, and all of my website data and programming efforts.

I’m more than a little upset but I’m hoping I can take the hard drive out of the case and load all the old data into a new machine. Whenever that may be. The good news is that all the creatures have been saved to my dropbox account! I don’t have to start from scratch where the creatures themselves are concerned and they’re all safe online.

I don’t know what I’ll do about the blog now but it looks like we’re stuck waiting until I can get a new computer up and running.

Sorry guys. It’s just one thing after another.

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