See those random teleporters? I’ve reclassified them to be seen as “toys” by the creatures here to make them more ‘valuable’ or ‘pleasing’ to creature eyes. So far, it’s worked to get the little weirdos to spread out from the get go. Check out the stream to see this new setup in action.
Ignoring for a moment the Generation 1 Hardman who’s clearly failing the IQ test, take a look at the plant norn mixes in the stream’s migratory run.
I turned off the ovicidal machine and let loose some grendels, ettins and geats and the grendels easily wiped out about 40 plant norns, particularly the ones crowding around the different entry points. It didn’t take long for the world to kill most of the grendels, ettins and geats (as of writing, there are only one of each) and I had an adult population of plant norns. Many of them were crowding around the entry point that I set up for the norns and on checking on the IQ test, I found that many of the norns in there were already of breeding age! By 30 minutes old, most of the plant norns were becoming adults. It wasn’t long til I caught some adults in the IQ test and one of them turned out pregnant.
I think it might be time to add some more creatures to the mix.
Anyway, here’s a pack of two creatures from the stream – one is female, the other is male. These were both identified as fast-agers by the Norn Statistics tool. Enjoy!
This isn’t a new segment or anything, but I did want to make some tiny announcements.
My Sparkleseed Vendor has been updated to require a lot of water to grow. That means it does well underwater but will survive in swampy areas.
Second, I’d like to remind everyone that while the Daily Creature Feature is designed to primarily feature the AFK world that I’ve created, I will occasionally broadcast other things like playing the game, testing agents, my husband wandering in and goofing around with the creatures, pretty much any number of things. The stream can also be interrupted by a poor or interrupted internet connection, having to use the computer for other things (this is my gaming machine) or I might play creatures to test agents, do wolfling runs or for normal play.
I hope you like the stream so far and I hope you enjoy or at least don’t mind the occasional interruptions to the program.
In the meantime, please keep those creatures coming! If you’d like to submit creatures, please visit the stream page for information.
Thanks again to everyone who made the first stream possible by contribuing so many creatures! On the first day, we started with 32 imports! Hooray!
The stream is still going with a full population and, as of writing this, 34 eggs! Amazing! Remember to keep your creatures coming!
If you’d like to support the stream, you can do so by sharing this button in your signature, on your website or blog, or anywhere you like. 😀
See you in the stream!