I’m sure you’ve noticed the new sidebar on the right titled “Google Adsense”. While I generally dislike ads on the sites I visit, the truth is, even with my new job, money is still a little scarce. I won’t ask you to turn off your Ad blockers and I certainly won’t judge you if you use them (as I only decided today to stop using mine). Thank you for your understanding! I hope this ad doesn’t take away from your enjoyment of my blog and please be sure to contact me if any inappropriate ads appear on the site. I’ve done my best to filter out irrelevant and offensive ads but some might still slip through.



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Sorry for my absence, everyone! My husband just got home from a (short) deployment so we decided to spend our entire weekend together. He also happened to get Monday off so… there you go.

As of today, things should be back to normal.

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I like it, anyway and I hope you do, too!

Since today seemed like a day for change, I’ve decided to get fresh starts on everything.

In Aquazone, my guppies were starting to die despite regular feeding and clean water. I can only guess it had something to do with their genes. Naturally, I started fresh.

In Creatures 3, I was a little discouraged that I couldn’t read my norns genomes so I’m limiting my norns to CFE Creature Labs breeds. Having half CFE creatures was starting to prove detrimental to the creatures with those genes.

In Creatures 1, I wasn’t happy with the way I’d set up the world or the way I’d neglected to separate the generations.

In Creatures 2… well. I didn’t publish anything from Creatures 2.

Never fear, though! All the creatures I featured are available for download. The guppies, however, aren’t.

In other news, I’ve finally made the CFE Gizmo norns available for download. You can find them at CCaves.com OR here at the C3/DS Downloads page.

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Knitting, social obligations and marriage have taken their toll on my schedule again.

Don’t worry, though! I’m still working on the CFE/Gizmo genome and I’ll have it open for testing soon.

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