bandicam 2013-07-12 23-07-15-768

Hello Tanner! At least, I wish I could say hello to Tanner. He’s become unhealthily obsessed with the bees, even though he doesn’t eat their honey. He also has trouble sleeping because he seems most interested in getting the bees. Oh well. He’ll pass out eventually.

As for Valerie and Grentilda, I caught the two of them in the garden taking turns slapping and chasing each other. It took me intervening with some quick disciplinary slaps and eventually separating them with an elevator for them to stop. It was mostly harmless but tremendously hilarious to watch.

Soon, the norns met each other again and seemed to spend most of their time playing with the lift, staring at each other and sleeping. They were starting to enter their golden years and were creeping up on the ripe age of 9 hours old. I started to doubt they’d have many more babies and started to debate introducing the next generation babies. Things were starting to get too quiet for my taste and the two adult norns I had learned everything they needed. Oh well. We’ll see next time.

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bandicam 2013-06-20 22-51-11-820Huh. What’s Tanner doing in that air tram? Well, if you remember from last time, Tanner was having trouble eating so I had a plan hatch in this brain of mine. I was going to take him to the hives.

bandicam 2013-06-20 22-58-00-497Valerie also seemed to be going somewhere below the ocean. She was starting to have trouble eating so it was off to the hives for her as well.

bandicam 2013-06-20 23-01-02-126Tanner arrived first and managed to get some honey in his stomach but the entire trial took me a half hour. At 8 hours old, though, I was confident that these two norns would be well fed for at least a little while.

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Though I managed to save the last baby, Valerie was still pregnant. I saved this baby as well though I thought it might be identical to the last baby. It seemed like this world was giving up again and it was time to create a new one.

I opened the old world, exported Grentilda and Tanner and waited for Valerie to lay this egg, which I would have to destroy with the old world. Once she had, she was exported and it was time to start from scratch.

I had Grentilda lead the world so I could apply some cobs and then it was time to bring in Valerie and Tanner again.

bandicam 2013-06-20 20-09-19-054Grentilda waited til Valerie led the way out of the house but soon, the two ladies were out and exploring Albia. Tanner, on the other hand, was busy napping on the second floor of the house. They were both hungry on import so it was time to eat. Tanner ate the first time I asked but Valerie required some nagging and a quick slap. They were both 7 hours, 29 minutes old so I figured I could at least try to keep them healthy. They’ve both given me some serious scares already and I could do without any more.

bandicam 2013-06-20 22-31-24-748

Leave it to Valerie to give me hope for the future, though. She kept flashing me smiles from inside the submarine. I think she was happy to be on an adventure in a more stable Albia. Since she wasn’t sick or pregnant, I also knew that she was at least comfortable.

Tanner, on the other hand, was less than reassuring.

bandicam 2013-06-20 22-41-00-317This frowning boy refused to eat anything. He wouldn’t eat food, he wouldn’t eat herbs and even when he got it in his head to, he wouldn’t eat weeds. I had to give up on him for a little while to feed Valerie, who ate willingly. Soon, it was back to Tanner, though. Will he eat? I don’t know, but I have a plan.

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bandicam 2013-06-17 17-11-12-839When I returned to Albia to check on my C1 world, I found Grenty bored and hungry near the house. I fed her, gave her some toys and she made herself comfortable. She didn’t seem interested in travelling beyond the garden and that was fine by me.

bandicam 2013-06-17 17-17-13-767Tanner and Valerie on the other hand were far from the house. Tanner stayed by the clock in the tree and Valerie stayed underground by the island. They were both having trouble eating but as their healths were still over 70, I was happy to give them some independence.

It wasn’t long til I had to force feed Tanner but otherwise, it was a hot lazy day, even in Albia.

Grentilda was tired but she did a great job of keeping herself healthy. For a while, I was even able to browse CCaves and comfortably leave the game running. I felt like I did an alright job raising these guys.

Because I had so much time I decided to hatch their third egg and was faced with a problem. I had to get them breeding again.

I was worried they wouldn’t have enough time for children because they were 7 hours old each now. After trapping them and filling them with food, though, they were finally pregnant again.

bandicam 2013-06-17 17-55-32-805Valerie seemed so happy and I soon learned why! I won’t spoil the news but needless to say, I don’t have to pester these two for any more eggs.

Not long after I exported the baby, the game crashed. Oh dear. Find out whether everything survived next time!

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