bandicam 2015-01-08 15-12-02-385 copyLittle Danny must have known that everyone was on the island because he decided to make his way there by himself.

Intrepid little guy! As soon as he arrived I had to do my best to get him to sleep, though. Oh well. At 23 minutes old, he grew up to the next stage. I watched him play with the lifts for a little while before checking on the others.

bandicam 2015-01-08 15-16-37-358 copyAs usual, there was a mob next to the wagon at the lowest level of the island. I decided to see if that would sort itself out. Lydia was by herself, snoozing and shivering next to a small pile of carrots I’d set out for her and Bobby was resting near the herbs by the temple. Even Grub made it into view at the lowest level of the temple, eating darkling carrots.

As Bobby made his way into the house and warmed himself by the fire, I wondered what it was about the island that the norns found so attractive. Eventually, I put a hootch vendor on the island, just for laughs.

I eventually led Lydia away from her nook while the other Norns all got to know each other on the island. It was starting to get old visiting this place all the time, but it’s where everyone wanted to be. Well. Except Lydia and Bobby.

bandicam 2015-01-08 15-31-43-813 copyCassy was the first to leave the island of her own volition. When she got back… well. Things could have gone better. She ate a bunch of carrots and when she met with Bobby, they had a short slapping fight. Apparently, they’d patched things up because soon she was pregnant!

In true norn fashion, she got pregnant and immediately ran for the Death Cap mushroom. Classic.

Not long after this miracle (the miracle being getting her away from the darn thing after a fight with the lifts), I saw lemons flying across the screen. Sadly, as soon as her egg is laid, it might be time for another soft reset.

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Happy Birthday to me! 26 years old now. 😛

I think I’ll celebrate with ramen and video games.

bandicam 2015-01-08 14-40-35-029 copyNaturally, Lydia picked the most rational and responsible way to celebrate her good health – getting pregnant.

Turns out getting sick wasn’t enough, now she had the stress of making a new baby to sap her strength.

At least her health wasn’t declining quite the way it does when she’s sick, so I suppose that’s a consolation.

Her pregnancy proceeded as normal but I was starting to feel bad for Aidan, staying by the tree all by himself. I led him to the others and he and a trio of other norns left the island with him by taking the boat back to the tree. Lydia, Bobby and David seemed thrilled to see him! There was a lot of kissing, at least.

As they took the boat (again) to the island, Lydia prepared to lay her next egg and I took the peace as an opportunity to feed Opal. She was always obedient at feeding time but she rarely took the initiative to feed herself.

bandicam 2015-01-08 14-55-39-238 copyFinally, with everyone in relatively good health (Lydia still sat at a precarious 41%) I figured it might be a good time to introduce another baby. This little guy is Danny, one of the eggs saved from before the “soft reset”.

I love seeing happy faces on babies. He smiled for a while, too! Carrots and toys quickly became his favorite thing and he didn’t spend too much time out of the house.

I spent some time fighting with Lydia to get her to eat some food but I thought it might be time to move on. Her health was down to 30% but she might have been at the end of her rope. Perhaps she’d prefer to go down on an empty stomach?

bandicam 2015-01-08 15-06-38-886 copyAidan meanwhile, slapped Cassy and Opal in the lowest level of the island and was chased off when the girls decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. He’d lost his game in his old age. Bobby spent his time hanging out with a sea horse instead. Can’t say I blame him with all that commotion downstairs.

Finally, when I wasn’t looking, Lydia ate again and her health started to slwoly rise. Perhaps she had more life in her than I first thought?

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bandicam 2015-01-08 14-00-10-116 copyGood ol’ Aidan. Every time I see him, I’m just glad he’s up and moving around again. There were a few hours of his life where he’d hardly moved due to some kind of world-glitch but now he’s better.

He’s also quite old, at 9 and a half hours old. Lydia is even older, though.

Of course, the old girl wasn’t about to give me a break.

bandicam 2015-01-08 14-21-29-750 copyI begged her to eat, as usual, and did my best to keep the other creatures away from her. She managed to eat a Parsnip and her health went up for a short while, but it got as low as 36% before she finally decided to eat. This game can be very nerve wracking. She spun helplessly into the glass every time she coughed.

As I tended to Lydia, Opal, despite her old age, managed to get pregnant again. This meant I had two norns I had to keep healthy and well fed. Lucky for me, Opal was at least cooperative when it came to feeding.

Lydia managed to eat more off-screen and as her body fought Antigen 4 she slept. When her body had won that battle, I was finally free to let Opal and David visit her.

bandicam 2015-01-08 14-37-49-443 copyOnce Lydia started her recovery and Opal laid her egg, it was time to make my rounds, which was very simple. Aidan was picking carrots in the swamp by the tree and all the other norns were on the island.

Hopefully, nobody on the island would get sick. Getting everyone else sick would be an absolute tragedy.

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bandicam 2015-01-03 13-10-51-294 copyGracious, what a picture. One of our oldest norns, Aidan, looking at the bright, young face of our youngest norn, Cassy. It’s downright charming. Actually, I wouldn’t mind this for a sticker to put on a binder or my next ipad case.

Anyway, I took the books to Grub to teach him his words. Hopefully, this would help him communicate with me and the Norns.

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-29-19-771 copyAidan and Cassy slapped and stared at each other in the garden while I tried to convince them to eat some carrots. Unfortunately, I had no luck because they were so preoccupied with each other. Bobby played with the instruments and I occasionally brought him food – I think he was in the grasp of creative inspiration. David was sad, spending a lot of his time on the pier. I don’t think he much liked being lonely but I tried to lead him to the island where Opal was trying to reach the sea horse and Lydia and Grub discussed the food and the wooden cart.

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-32-43-522 copyJust then, Opal’s hair turned a bright, silvery white. It seemed to me that Opal aged the most gracefully so far. Aidan’s hair has fallen out, Lydia looked very tired and even the tips of her ears were white now but Opal seemed, if you’ll allow me to break the fourth wall, like a simple recolor of her younger self. She’d even retained her size!

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-36-00-039 copyWhen I’d finally gotten David over, he and Grub looked out over the ocean together and I actually glimpsed a smile. I guess the poor guy was just lonesome. It got me thinking that maybe Bobby could use some company and with the help of some lifts and the air tram, I got him closer to the others.

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