bandicam 2015-02-07 23-40-48-321 copyAfter moving literally everyone into the Norn Terrarium, there were four more pregnancies and much more “X like Y” and “A dislike B” conversations. There was a way to fix these loops but I didn’t have them installed. In future, I will have them but for now, the creatures were naturally very chatty.

Drake in particular didn’t seem very fond of his fellow creature and started saying “drake hate norn”. I have no idea who he was thinking of, but many other creatures seemed to like him very much! Strange, that.

bandicam 2015-02-07 23-43-54-028 copySoon enough, my counter ran out and I had to add another creature. This time, Anai joined us. Unfortunately, Anai was the first to pass away and died in the volcano as a baby during the live event. This time, she should live a much more fulfilling life.

Many of the other norns seemed most content to just rest, though. Synergy was still taken in by wanderlust and strayed away from the pack, enjoying the other rooms on the ship. Drake hardly moved from his perch in the Norn terrarium and still others huddled together and complained and admired each other.

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bandicam 2015-02-02 12-52-06-199 copyWhen I returned to the Shee Ark, it had been a few weeks since I’d actually seen the norns for myself. My life had been so hectic lately that I didn’t have time to write about this group and I wasn’t sure who I was really looking at or what I was doing. A quick glimpse at the Norn Statistics reminded me about who was getting ready to shuffle into Silicon Heaven, though.

In her old age, Synergy had developed something of a limp. Being the world’s oldest Norn seems to do that to you, though but she shuffled on like a champ.

The other females continued to get pregnant and the collection of eggs continued to grow.

Everyone else spent the better part of their time, eating, though! At least it wasn’t all eggs, all the time since breeding seemed to slow down. At least spending some time in Docking Station is a good way to get stubborn Creatures 2 norns off my mind.

bandicam 2015-02-02 13-01-21-392 copySoon, it was time to introduce yet another baby. This time, it’s Suprius who’s come to join us. As time passes, I start to forget more and more about the creatures that participated in the run, but this happy little guy is welcome and I’ll be helping him lead a happy, healthy life anyway.

It’s what I wanted for this run, anyway. I wanted to make up for how tragically the original Forum Wolfling run went.

bandicam 2015-02-02 13-07-35-990 copyMeanwhile in the Norn Terrarium, this tiny group of norns was enjoying some peace and quiet. The Meso might have been too much noise and excitement for them, after all.

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bandicam 2015-01-10 21-50-52-021 copyTo start off, it was time to introduce our next Norn. This time, Logic would be our new baby. He’s remembered (at least by me) for “Logic love door”. He never said it himself, but the joke’s still funny to me.

By now, we had 46 eggs and more were on the way. Thankfully, a lot of the norns were at rest when I made my rounds this time. They still tended to stay in groups around the Norn Meso, but this lack of adventurousness meant that the Norns were at least safe.

bandicam 2015-01-10 21-54-13-707 copyNapping so often also meant that they were more interested in resting in groups than in venturing out to the volcano, for example. Others simply wandered from group to group – if there was a Norn around that no one particularly liked, they’d simply leave. This was much more civil than slapping but I figured it was in younger norns’ better interest to just leave rather than try to out-slap a bigger, stronger norn.

I have to say, observing group behavior might have been just as fascinating as getting to know each norn and I was glad I had the opportunity to play around with such a large, diverse group.

Beside avoiding certain norns, I was starting to notice that certain norns also had favorite areas of the world. Because more norns favored the Meso over the Norn Terrarium, I speculated that many were willing to put up with norns they didn’t like in favor of abundant food while others found the solitary environment in the Norn Terrarium more desirable. Synergy is one example that jumps out at me.

As for individual behaviors, I started to think that some norns preferred to rest in one spot rather than explore because I fed each norn when I made my rounds. Granted, I did this by simply showering them with food, but it was still interesting to see norns not moving for a while despite a lack of food.

bandicam 2015-01-10 22-08-58-149 copyBefore I could spend any more time considering all this, I had to add another baby. With the addition of BLAH here, there were 10 babies left in queue. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve tried to stick to a 2 baby per entry limit here, so that means at least 5 more entries of introducing babies. Oh boy.

At least things were progressing on the pregnancy and baby front and soon, I’d have lots more to talk about than introducing new faces.

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bandicam 2015-01-10 21-05-59-423 copyWhen I returned, the norns were still in one very large group. Eventually, some of the norns wandered off, though I couldn’t see any particular reason why. Perhaps some of the norns were finally starting to feel crowded enough to wander away?

As I expected, it didn’t take long for some of the females to become pregnant and even have twins! It seemed like the older, more prolific females were starting to lose their edge and there were no clear favorites among the males.

bandicam 2015-01-10 21-19-37-316 copySoon enough, it was time to introduce yet another baby. Next to enter my care was Eve, another little lady.

With so many Norns returning to the Norn Meso, I thought she had plenty of adults around to help raise her, and I was right. They offered her the same advice that they’d offered each other and she occasionally listened to it.

More pregnancies came and went and soon, 35 eggs were in storage, waiting to be hatched. Including the egg that accidentally hatched too soon, we had a total of 36 babies waiting and we still had 13 more norns to import into the world. Naturally, the pregnancies kept coming.

Eventually, it got to the point where I was so busy just keeping everyone fed that I hardly had time for anything else. Before I knew it, it was time to introduce yet another Norn.

bandicam 2015-01-10 21-35-42-843 copyThis time, it’s another one of our winners, Kerplunk. This cute little guy tied with Drake and Stain for first in the wolfling run. Hopefully, he’ll be a more successful breeder this time around

With the addition of him, our norn population reached an impressive 14 members. Our oldest norn, Synergy, was now over 3 hours old, though! Soon, her coat would take a different color and she would be out of the running when it came to mating.

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