bandicam 2015-02-07 00-09-31-008 copyThe almost squeaky quality of their voices made it easy to tune the norns out, but I always kept an eye on the Observation Kit. It seemed like medical emergencies were rare, but to keep everyone safe, I made sure to make my rounds every once in a while.

I started to fall into a pretty hands-off style of play, like I use when I play Creatures 1 and Docking Station. It was actually kind of nice to just let the horde of norns do their own thing for a while. While they weren’t always happy, I was ok with that – real life is full of ups and downs so there was no reason it couldn’t be the same in this game. Besides, when I made my rounds, it was really just to ensure no one had fallen into an ocean.

The squeaking and drinking continued and I felt it was even safe enough for me to get up and clean my teeth. Given my strangely thorough cleaning regimen (due to lousy gums), this was quite a statement.

bandicam 2015-02-07 00-40-16-078 copyWhen I returned, Clarise was KO’d and there was nothing I could do since I lacked access to the Science Kit. All I could do was watch and wait.

I had mixed feelings about the state of her. Part of me was sad to watch and I felt helpless since I had no means to help. Some other part of me was planning on introducing Nova Subterra genes to the pool to prevent starvation related death like Clarice’s. When she eventually passed away, she was pregnant and took her final egg to her with Silicon Heaven.

Now, I was faced with a dillema. I had a lot of dumb creatures on my hands and I doubted I could get Nova Subterra genes to dominate the pool given Clarise’s success as a breeder. I quietly exported all of the creatures and decided to post them for download. Perhaps a smarter breed would be less frustrating for me.

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bandicam 2015-02-06 23-39-43-302 copyLiberty’s birth meant Jonathan had more daughters than I counted on. This was good news for Donny, Dodger and Jonathan himself (relax please, inbreeding isn’t detrimental to or recognized by the creatures in this game) since they all had plenty of opportunities to further their lines. I would introduce some competition when I introduced my next Generation 1 creatures, but for now, these boys have it easy.

bandicam 2015-02-06 23-43-14-013 copySpeaking of boys, the final egg contained a boy! Paul, as you can see, is very similar to his older brother Donny, with the exception of his arms and their coloration. Then again, with similar sprites, it’s easy to say that norns closely resemble each other, isn’t it?

After the eggs were finally all hatched and the babies all imported from the previous world, I was able to spend most of my time hovering around, filling hollow coconuts with water. The Norns here seemed awfully thirsty, and I wasn’t about to deny them water. I did try to encourage some exploration by moving one baby, Paul, into the level below the incubator. A handful of other norns took the elevator down and I waited for the group to spread out.

I switched the hand to invisible and silently followed them around. Some norns were doing better with fewer norns around and others seemed to be having trouble getting along. Donny and Paul even got into a fight that got Paul knocked back.

Before long, Clarise had another egg. Part of me worried that Nova Subterra genes wouldn’t be making an impact on the world at the rate that Clarise was producing eggs. I decided not to worry too much, but it would still be a problem I had to address in the future.

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bandicam 2015-02-06 23-24-28-394 copyAt least, all but Veronica. When I’d tried to install a canopy bridge in the previous world, Veronica glitched out and would fly sideways across the screen. I tried to save her by exporting her but when I tried to import her, she only continued to float and never appeared on the Observation Kit.

As sort of a consolation (for myself) I went ahead and imported Clarise’s other babies. I will play with Nova Subterra more, but for now, I have some little ones to attend to. In future, all Gen 1 creatures will have Nova Subterra based genes.

bandicam 2015-02-06 23-22-32-258 copyThe first to join us is Clarity, Clarise and Jonathan’s first daughter. She looks a bit like she’s wearing green pants and has a strong resemblance to her brother Donny.

Like the others, she immediately set off slapping and kissing. Now, everyone seemed to mingle and there were no serious fights. Seeing everyone fed and rested for once was a pleasant change and I felt comfortable adding another baby.

bandicam 2015-02-06 23-26-59-091 copyThis little lady, I’ve named Treefrog. I really chose the name because of her greener colors. While Clarity shares more common sprites with their brother, Treefrog matchis his color much more closely.

There was still quite a lot of kissing going on and I almost expected Donny and Jenny to have their own egg but it didn’t happen. After just a few minutes, I added the next baby.

bandicam 2015-02-06 23-29-38-345 copyJonathan and Clarise had another son! Jonathan in particular seems very pleased for some reason and, naturally, produced another egg after seeing one of his previous offspring.

In fact, this meant he had two eggs in the world waiting to hatch now! I already had a lot of norns on my hands, but I still wanted to introduce the last of the old babies to the new world before calling it a day.

bandicam 2015-02-06 23-32-28-162 copyBefore hatching Clarise’s two unhatched eggs, I imported their last offspring from the previous world, Kimberly. Finally, I could be satisfied that everyone had joined us. I added the bridges as well (except the canopy bridge) and tried to assure myself that everyone was relatively safe. Anything they did now would be their own faults. 😛

That said, the power ups were all inaccessible to me again and I couldn’t stray far from where my norns actually were. Rather than cheat in the game state controller, I decided to see whether the norns would decide to press the powerups themselves. I didn’t think it likely, but there was no harm in waiting to see.

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First, I’d like to apologize. Due to issues with my computer, I wasn’t able to finish this post on time. Instead, this post will go out on the 7th and Docking Station’s post will appear on the 8th. After that, the blog returns to its normal schedule.

bandicam 2015-02-05 14-26-46-694 copyWhen I returned to Albia this time, I found Clarise was the only norn with a smile on her face. Donny and Jonathan were still rubbing their backs on the door to the volcano and I had to push them away with my hand.

Naturally, I had to intervene by introducing some new genes. The truth was, I was just fed up with how dumb the norns were.

bandicam 2015-02-05 14-50-41-932 copyI hopped onto Creatures Caves and downloaded the Nova Subterra norns. The first of this improved breed to enter my world was Veronica, a female Emerald Nova Subterra norn.

As with the others, it didn’t take her long to eat and learn her basic lessons. Right away, I tried to lead her to the rest of the group. Once I realized there was some kind of navigation issue around the bridge, I caved and carried her to the group myself.

bandicam 2015-02-06 22-57-54-324 copyOnce I got there, I found Jonathan in the ground, where I got used to finding Clarise after a ‘door party’. Feeling a frustrated, I decided to open the door to the volcano. Staving in the ground didn’t seem especially merciful compared to overheating in the volcano, at any rate.

bandicam 2015-02-06 23-02-53-188 copyOnce they started to explore the volcano, it didn’t seem like anything immediately dangerous was happening, anyway! Despite a long fall, Donny was actually smiling!

Veronica wasn’t faring so well, though. It took quite a lot of Defibrilant and some Liquid food to get her back on her feet. For some reason, she really seemed to struggle with hunger and the volcano. I took a different approach to this group as a result. Instead of taking Norns to their certain doom, I decided to start them back at the Incubator and let them arrive at their doom themselves.

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