bandicam 2013-07-17 23-05-36-882Today we would continue Gareth’s lessons. He was quite a bit more stubborn than Hannabelle but he learned his lessons quickly enough. Once he’d learned enough about eating and language, I introduced Hannabelle again. Unfortunately, they spent most of their time slapping each other and hardly any at all exploring. I tried to get them to push the Science Kit power up with no success. Instead, they kept butting against the wall of the elevator shaft.

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Finally, when Gareth was 50 minutes old, he wiggled his way into the area next to the implement and finally pushed it. He went back to the incubator area and seemed miserable. He had trouble eating and sleeping and so did Hannabelle! It was horrible to see them both so upset. The most logical decision at this point was to take a break and address their problems after some rest of my own.

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Well. I never officially created a blog-specific world in Creatures 2 before and it’s been so long since I helped test the Ant norns that I don’t actually remember anything specific about this game. I’m also a little upset about losing all of my C1 norns in one fell swoop so whatever. Let’s start over in a different game.

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This blue egg would mark the beginning of a new world. Since I injected this egg using the Genetics Kit, I know that it’ll hatch an unmutated Akamai Pixie though I’m not sure what gender it is. I’m playing with only the basket agent in a totally new, vanilla world.

Not long after I popped the egg into the incubator, this little girl popped out. I was feeling a little goofy so I named her Hannabelle.

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By the time she was 14 minutes old, I taught her all the words that the computers had to offer and the Doozers taught her a few nouns. Before long, she was out of the incubator area and had made her way to the desert. It wasn’t long til she fell into the ocean but I was able to fish her out before any damage was done.

It wasn’t long before she was over 20 minutes old and I wanted to introduce another creature.

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At first, I tried to have Gareth and Hannabelle together in the Incubation area but with Gareth running all over the place and Hannabelle proving to be a great distraction to both of us, I had to export her and get some one on one time with Gareth. As it was late, though, I would have to save the adventure for another day.

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Just a quick update. My oldest norn, Atta, has just passed away at 2 hours, 21 minutes! One of the quirks of this breed is that females are allowed to become queens by breeding with males. Breeding with males prolongs their lives, after all. I really like this feature and it’s kind of fun to see how long you can get them to live. Anyway, carry on.


No, as a matter of fact. I don’t know what I’m doing.

C-rex worked very hard on this new genome and I’ve definitely been looking forward to it. Naturally, when he said he needed testers, I was more than happy to oblige.

I loaded up a fresh world in Creatures 2 to introduce the new norns.

Atta was first. I figured that since males live such short lives I should introduce the male a little later.

The first thing Atta did was eat the mushrooms. She learned all the words I could teach her with the computers and at 10 minutes old, she was an Adult and ready to breed. She learned all of the vocabulary she could from the two computers by 11 minutes old and it was time to export her.
I did the same with Flik and he was ready to breed at 10 minutes as well. I saved copies of both of them in their new adult stage and introduced them to each other.After they met, the ran straight for the cave and proceeded to wall bonk. In the midst of all their head injuries, they ended up getting pregnant.It almost seems like once they met, Flik just continues to wall bonk and has actually forgotten to eat. I’ve given him fruit and I keep asking him to eat but he dances around the fruit and continues to bonk against the wall.

I’ve been able to get Atta away from Flik and she’ll eat fruit when she’s separated from him. After some one on one time with Flik, I think he’s forgotten to eat fruit but he’ll still eat food.They met again and started kisspopping and wall bonking right away. Soon, Flik was all mated out and died at just 21 minutes old. I knew males lived shorter lives than the females but I wasn’t expecting just 20 minutes. Still, he has two eggs to his name.

Out of those eggs came these two little males. These two males cause or have the same problems as their father did. Atta is still to crashing into a wall when they’re around but they still happily eat fruit. We’ll see if that changes when they grow up.Before long, they were old enough to breed and the wall bonking got worse again.

Only 45 minutes into the game, it seemed like the babies and pregnancies were starting to get out of hand. Rather than try to raise them all myself, I decided to leave them to their own devices.

Eventually, it became clear that wallbonking was a serious problem. Whenever they would mate they would get stuck in this cave.I don’t know if it’s a result of the slapping, running or breeding but no matter what, when other ant norns are around, these guys run straight for this cave and repeatedly into the wall. It’s actually frustrating to watch and a bit boring.

Otherwise, I think their lifespans are about right and it’s fun to watch them breed and grow up so quickly. If their quirks were worked out I think they’d make a great wolfing breed! I only wish they would explore a little bit and remember to eat once in a while.

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