Just 9 minutes into his life, little Tanner got sick with Antigen 2. He spent most of his time sleeping which was good but I could hardly get any food into him.

Don’t worry, though! In this picture he was only sleeping.

It was a constant fight to try to get him to eat, though. At 17 minutes old, his health had dropped to a dangerous 44%. Finally, I managed to get him by the computer and, with the help of the oven and strained carrots, I got him to eat and his health steadily rose up to 60% again.

9 more grueling minutes later and 26 minute old Tanner was finally healthy again and was also now a child. A rough time as a baby has certainly taught him the value of sleep, though.

Next, I exported him. I would introduce a female to this world to be his mate and I’ll reintroduce him once she’s 25 minutes old.

This happy little baby is Valerie.

Valerie – 2JBK

Good Bad Neutral

***** REACTIONS *****
67 Original Genome 10   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   1*Fear++ + 1*<NONE> => 1*Fear + 1*Punishment; half-life = 8.
 67 Different in File 2  10   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   1*Fear++ + 1*<NONE> => 0*Fear + 1*Punishment; half-life = 8.

Normally, fear increase would increase a creature’s fear and punishment. Now, instead of feeling fear, she’ll only feel punishment. I’m going to have one brave, possibly grumpy, little creature.

***** HALF-LIVES *****
1 Original Genome   1   0 Emb   B MutDup       <179> 255
  1 Different in File 2   1   0 Emb   B MutDup       <179> 253

This gene has no effect since the chemical is unused.

***** PIGMENTS *****

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We’ll visit with her more soon!

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After a very long, tiring, arduous day, I could barely lift my arms to use the computer. Naturally, I decided to take this time to raise my arms to use the computer.

I have a new goal for this world to keep the generations 1, from getting too out of hand and 2, giving me a goal to look forward to instead of just playing whenever I find the time and don’t feel like playing the other two games.

This time, I’m planning on making it to generation 5. Whenever I finish out a generation, I’m only planning on getting two of the offspring, a male and a female, to play with for the next round. All the others are being sent to The Creatures Repository and Creature Caves.

This precious blue egg contains our new world’s first norn. A baby boy norn!

Once he hatched, I decided that his name should be Tanner, and I opened up his genetics.

Tanner – 2ILD

Good Bad Neutral

***** RECEPTORS *****
 46 Original Genome   3   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   Creature, Drive Levels Hunger, chem=Hunger, thresh=0, nom=0, gain=255, features=Analogue
 46 Different in File 2   3   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   Creature, Drive Levels Hunger, chem=Hunger, thresh=0, nom=0, gain=254, features=Analogue

This slight decrease in gain means that the Hunger Drive should accumulate less quickly as Hunger increases. It’s nice that he doesn’t get so hungry so quickly, but it’s still a very minor mutation. If gain were much lower or the gene were removed, I’d be concerned since it would mean he didn’t experience hunger at all.

I only classify this as neutral because the change is so minor.

***** HALF-LIVES *****
  1 Original Genome   1   0 Emb   B MutDup       WakeUpPill 255 <142> 255
  1 Different in File 2   1   0 Emb   B MutDup       WakeUpPill 251 <142> 253

This gene controls decay rates for chemicals in a creature’s body. Listed as neutral because the half-lives are so long anyway that the creature will hardly know the difference. If anything, this just gives WakeUpPill and Chemical 142 a very, very slight chance of decaying before it reacts in the body in the first place. I never use Wake Up Pills (too busy getting creatures to sleep) and 142 is unused. This also makes it pretty neutral to me.

***** PIGMENTS *****

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Naturally, there is a whole slew of pigment mutations. Click above to see them all.

He was fed some cheese and was soon taught all I could teach him using the computer. Mom, toy and food were all learned and soon would come his life lessons. Good luck, Tanner!

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With just two exceptions, Dynasty and Charles, all the norns were resting. The older norns were definitely starting to show their age and they hardly moved anymore.

Soon, I would usher in the next few members of the next generation.

First to come would be the only surviving offspring of Sylvia, Faust. Her sister Katrina died.

Being the daughter of Theo, I was expecting some Bengal stripes but not quite so many! Look at all that orange!

She’s separated from the others while she learns some survival skills and manners. :3

Once I’d run her through the IQ test, she was allowed to join the others. Alone in the Norn Meso, I hoped she would make it to Terra or company would come to her.

We played with the beach ball a little and she had to rest.

I feared for Bianca, Godfrey and Pennywhistle. They had all become Ancient and stopped eating. They only cried when I pleaded with them to eat some seeds.

Oscar was next to become ancient and he stopped moving as well.

I gathered all the ancient norns together around the heater. If they were going to pass away soon, I at least wanted them to be comfortable.


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If you’ve read my bibble on CCaves, you might know that my neighbor has a nest of bees living in his house. They hover around the front door and we think they might be in his air conditioner. Seeing as we have an orange tree and lemon tree in our yards, I’m honestly afraid to go outside, especially out to the front yard where they gather nectar from our orange blossoms.

That said, there’s nothing for me to do today but finish indoor chores and play video games. My computer is still kaput so… Creatures.

When last we left off in our C3/DS world, Penny had just become an oldster and Dynasty a pre-teen.

Since there was still some time left before little Dynasty would have babies of her own, I added some color to the game.

The boys have leaves and the ladies have tiaras. The next thing I knew, though, I had three old norns on my hands!

With age comes character and wisdom, you know.

They slowed their pace quite a bit, naturally. Resting and eating were their only activities but Charles, who was still full of life, managed to impregnate Dynasty. We had our fifth egg and now it looks like Godfrey won’t be fathering every egg for this generation. He almost did, having sired 4 of our 5 eggs so far!

Now that Dynasty was the mother of one of his children, Charles didn’t leave her side. That said, he was the natural choice to be the father of her next and final baby.

Dynasty finally became an adult at just over an hour old. PennyWhistle had become ancient at 4 hours, 41 mintues and I knew her time would run out soon. Was she a Gizmo norn? I don’t know for sure but I’m glad she got to enjoy her life here.

With activity slowing down again, I decided to export the new babies.

Rather than continue with the next generation, I would finish this one out and start a new group of norns.

Slowly, but surely, this group would be closing the last chapters of their lives soon, though Dynasty would be in the rear.

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