This is little Nami. She’s the daughter of Scandalous Laborer and Loving Wren. You wouldn’t know she was the daughter of Scandal if not for those legs, though!

I encouraged her to push the HLM and soon she was eating everything in sight on the bottom level of the meso.

Since she set off eating everything, I moved on to the next little one. This is the son of Five Cheese and Uptight Kettle, Rave. For a little while, he wouldn’t drop the robot toy and it was hard for me to get a picture, but soon, he’d learned his words and he spent most of his time playing with the HLM.

I prepared to introduce a third baby but what interrupted when Chase suddenly got sick. He had one bacteria that gave him Histamine B. He was disinfected, fed cough syrup and was soon allowed to join the others.

Next, was a pregnancy indication! Hannah was pregnant with Geoff’s baby. I was very happy but at the same time, dreaded how busy I was going to be.

I carried her to the incubation area and waited for her egg.

She still had a weird stutter step when she walked and it wasn’t just because she was pregnant. It didn’t seem to bother her but it still looked like she was doing squat lunges everywhere she went. She didn’t do it when I asked her to move, either.

It wasn’t long before I got yet another sickness indication. It was chase again with 1 bacteria. I acted quickly and the bacteria didn’t even get to cause him trouble.

Finally, I introduced the third baby. This is Sylvia. She’s the daughter of Sour Drink and Uptight Kettle. Look at her holding that flower. She’s adorable!

I gave her the robot toy to tote around and she carried it all over the bottom layer of the meso. It wasn’t long til she reached childhood and joined the others.

It wasn’t long til I caught Chase slapping other creatures when he got bored so we headed to the rehabilitation center. Naturally, I slapped him on the rump each time he slapped the norn doll and he was fine for a while. I caught his brother Timber doing the same. Of course, as soon as I let Chase back in with the others, he slapped poor Rave like it was a fun game. He got slapped til he was on the medical monitor and I laid off. I wasn’t about to have another bully.


Mother Hannah
Eggs 1

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Let’s start things off without being too boring this time. This is Rachael. She is the daughter of Scandalous Laborer and Lowly Adjustment. She’s just adorable, and she didn’t give me a headache when it came to the HLM.

When she’d pressed it, though, she ran off, stood in front of the lift and just… stared at the robot toy. I asked her to express and she said “get toy”. She picked it up, held it in her hand and rested for a while. She pushed the toy every once in a while and expressed her needs only occassionally. Whenever she saw me, though she always said “me love mom”. She spent most of her time napping and is just as obedient as the other kids. I can’t wait for them all to become stubborn adults and teenagers. 9_9

While Rachel rested, I brought in Mary, daughter of Five Cheese and Lowly Adjustment. She was also pretty quick to press the HLM but spent a little while riding the elevator up and down. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was bored. I gave her a toy and watched her alternate between resting and pushing the robot.

Every once in a while the Popping Pappus would fire and she’d stop whatever she was doing to watch the seeds drift down. Below, Rachael ate tuba plants and pappus seeds.

Soon, it was time for another little one.

Well. Someone had to blink for their photo eventually. Meet Timber. He’s the son of Sour Drink and Loving Wren, though, if not for that tail, you’d never guess who his father was!

I couldn’t spend too long with him, though! Rachael was now a child so I let her join the others in the Norn Terrarium and returned to my two babies.

Soon, Mary was a child, too. While she slept, I carried her off and then it was one on one time with Timber.

I encouraged Timber to nap and eat seeds and he did what he was told. He got a little button happy but that was cured with another quick spank. Naturally, the peace couldn’t be perfect for too long.

I got a notification from the medical monitor. 1 Bacteria had infested Rachael. I carried her off to the medical bay where I’d set up an automatic disinfectant station. I put her into the containment unit and turned on the chemical grapher.

She had Antigen 0 in her body and she soon had Histamine B. She was fed some cough medicine and the Histamine B was soon gone. It didn’t take much, but she was finally returned to normal, though the medical monitor was still flashing.

I felt most bad for Timber who was left alone while I tended to Rachael. He soon became a child and joined the others.

I was happy with this mix. So far, we have 3 boys and 3 girls and none of them seems to have a problem, health, behavior or genetics wise.

Hopefully, we’ll have the same luck tomorrow when we introduce the next group of babies.

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After some issues I was having with Creatures importing into the world and vanishing, I had to start a completely fresh install of Creatures Exodus to continue this endeavor. I won’t be giving you a tour because this time, the only additions I’ve made are the volcano fix, the minifix pack available at Creatures Caves, and a few other minor fixes. I’ve re installed the breeds I need and I’m now unsure how I want to limit the population.

I’ve tossed around the idea of allowing male creatures to father as many children as they can and to limit the number of eggs a female creature can lay (still just 4). Why would I do this? Because it seems more realistic to me for some reason. I’m also eliminating the whole ‘litters’ idea since creatures live plenty long enough to have 4 babies over the course of their lives without any help. Just in case, I’m going to eliminate fertility before the adult phase but still permit it in old age. Now that bacteria have been reintroduced, long-lived creatures likely have more desirable genes.

I’ve decided to take one baby from each of our three norn mothers for each wave of kids. I also want to introduce Theo from LibbyNorn’s (now known as DarbyDoo) wolfing run and another, randomly chosen generation 1 female to introduce to the group. I haven’t decided what breed yet, but we’ll get to that when we have to. I don’t want them to get too far apart in age and I want everyone to have their fair chance to spread their genes. I’ve got a whopping 12 kids to introduce for this generation so… here goes.

(I ramble a lot.)

Anyway, let’s meet our first creatures.

First is Geoff. His mother is Scandalous Laborer and his father is Lowly Adjustment. Normally, I would analyze his genes, but GeneCompare is still crashing on me. I would just use DDNA Analyzer again but it causes more problems than it fixes. I can only hope any problems work themselves out in the meantime.

I like his appearance. Blue and purple match most of the time, at least though it is a little silly to watch him walk around like he’s wearing a purple leotard.

I took him down to the Holistic Learning Machine and he wouldn’t press it til I moved on to something else. He has something of a stutter step but he’s very obedient. I let him play with the toy robot and fed him some fruit before I moved on to the next child.

This is Hannah, daughter of Five Cheese and Uptight Kettle. The only Bondi appearance genes she inherited were her arms from her mother! I think it looks quite nice, though. She was less stubborn about pushing the machine and also takes direction pretty well.

I let them play together for a while before I caught Hannah trying to get detritus. I may have a problem on my hands after all.

Still, I felt like I was starting things off right.

Can’t imagine why. 😉

10 minutes later, and Geoff was now a child. His weird stutter step was just a crawl and now he’s trucking around and strutting around like he owns the capillata.

Hannah’s already addicted to the HLM and I imported my next baby for this round.

Finally, here’s Chase. He’s the son of Sour Drink and Uptight Kettle. I think he got an even mix of appearance genes and I’m happy with the way he looks. He moves around just fine for a little one and immediately busied himself by eating seeds.

I decided to spend some time with these three before moving them to the norn terrarium.

It turns out they all take direction really well and all love each other (and myself). Chase has taken to pushing the elevator button repeatedly to entertain himself but a quick slap on the rump was enough to get him to stop for a while.

Naturally, it wasn’t long before Chase was a child and I sent them all to the Norn Terrarium.

I wasn’t ready to have them explore the entire world yet, though. I put in force fields to keep any creature younger than an adult in the Norn Terrarium. Once they were fully grown, then they were allowed to explore the Jungle terrarium and beyond.

Chase quickly moved up to the top of the hill and sat in the corner to take a nap. Hanna napped in the grass below, near some Grazers and Geoff ate apples near the lift. All was well for once.

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At 7 hours 37 minutes old, Five Cheese passed away, surrounded by everything she needed. I’d petted her and encouraged her to eat food and seeds, but she only laid there. She took a nap, woke up to say “me love mom” and then promptly passed away.

She and all the other Generation 1 Norns are available for download. Please feel free to download them to meet them and raise them yourself.

I retired the wolfling vendor and gave the beach ball and pepper plant to Bethany to enjoy.

While she played and ate in the Norn Meso, I set about hatching all the eggs for export. We’ll get to meet everyone once the next world is started, so please don’t get mad at me for not sharing pictures just yet! ;D

In the time it took me to get everyone ready, Bethany became Ancient. She was just as angry as ever and continued to drink her Calm Balm, just as before. It almost seemed like the world was slowing down along with Bethany, though. I was starting to get errors every few minutes and Bethany was taking more and more naps. At 3 hours, 54 minutes, though, she was already starting to live longer than most of the other grendels.

I watched her eat tubas and shuffle around the lift for a while and even started crocheting. It reminded me of the times that I used to have a single creature to play with while I learned how to play the game. My creatures typically didn’t live for very long before they were beaten to death by grendels, but I was pretty relaxed by now anyway. Soon, Bethany hit 4 hours flat, still not quite reaching Impartial Relation’s record of around 4 hours, 20 minutes.

She watched the popping pappus seeds drift down and stared at the flowers as they grew. She was still fascinated by the Awkwood Creeper and watched as the seeds fell.

Eventually, she passed away, amongst the seeds she admired so much. She survived to 4 hours, 24 minutes of age and is survived by 2 eggs.

She will always be remembered for her dedication to both her lover, Gifted Waves, and to her fascination with the Awkwood plant.

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