bandicam 2015-04-01 12-41-25-575 copyJust as before, it seemed like time was just ticking down and all the norns were eventually going to die of old age. Given how cozy their lives were, I at least knew they were going out happy. Dark Cat would be the next to go and I have to say, I especially liked him. He was quiet and liked to stick to himself. Besides that, he also had a wild appearance.

When he finally passed away, Delia was by his side. She was a bit of a loner too, so I decided to leave her where she was, but I did have an idea to make the last 4 hours of this world more interesting. I decided to add a new metaroom and what better room than C1toDS? Once they were in here, they couldn’t get back out, either.

I lined everyone up in the metaroom and unfroze them. Instantly, everyone was on the move. There was even a huge spike in the number of pregnancies!

Untitled-1 copyI guess the way things worked out were interesting, but it seems like a lot of friends got seprated from eachother when they seprated into those small tribes.

bandicam 2015-04-01 13-06-21-466 copySadly, Lin passed away in front of the stove. At least she was kept warm, but what an unusual way to go. The norns around her were praising Aster!

Then again, Lin’s never stayed in one place for very long. She was always the ship’s wanderer, roaming from one tribe to the next. I’m glad she got to be surrounded by so many norns when she passed away.

There wasn’t much roaming anymore, however. Stain was the first to make it to the swamp and even so, quickly turned back and returned to the garden where most of the other norns were.

bandicam 2015-04-01 13-15-21-859 copyI couldn’t blame them for choosing to stay there. The food was abundant and that’s where all their friends were! The norns in the house ate from the fridge and everyone seemed active and happy! Only a handful had to be told to eat (Akuma, Flame, Logic) but once told, they were happy to oblige.

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When I loaded up Creatures 2 for the day, I decided to make this run more wolfling in nature. I found the Creatures too stubborn or unintelligent and it was a terrible strain on my patience. That said, this group stuck together so it made monitoring them very simple.

bandicam 2015-03-31 13-09-27-919 copyUnfortunately, they didn’t always do a great job tending their needs and often looked unhappy.

bandicam 2015-03-31 13-17-20-412 copyEventually, Dodger took the lift up to the first powerup and I coaxed him into pressing it. For a while, he only tried to “get” and “run” from it, but things eventually worked out. For a little while, anyway.

bandicam 2015-03-31 13-25-27-509 copyEventually, and seemingly out of the blue, Ernest died at 1 hour, 11 minutes. Though I’d found the science kit, I wasn’t actually able to use it to figure out what was wrong with Ernest. Perhaps a glitch? The game wasn’t running smoothly for me anyway, so I used the game state controller to fix things. Unfortunately, the trick didn’t work and Ernest floated up into the sky. I still had no idea what happened to him.

I guess it might be time to reboot my PC and then try a new world.

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bandicam 2015-03-29 13-24-28-351 copyGrub was settling in with the horde now but David didn’t seem to be a fan of his complaining. It was still nice to see our Grendel getting along with the rest of the group, and I was glad he was there.

bandicam 2015-03-29 13-33-53-833 copyWhen it came to our oldest lady, Cassy, food was still an issue. She was so distracted by Danny that she didn’t even look at the food that I was offering her. I didn’t have all day and she wasn’t in danger of starving just yet, so I decided to leave her alone. Danny was busy trying to sleep and enjoy a drink, so I wasn’t worried about them breeding, anyway.

bandicam 2015-03-29 13-37-11-154 copySpeaking of breeding, Mallory got pregnant! Look at that big, happy smile! To celebrate, she found a ball and started playing with it. How cute! I hope her baby is as clever when it comes to managing boredom. I wanted to try something out with my next baby anyway. A tooltip suggested that boredom management might be important for a norn’s brain’s health, so one of the first things I’ll be teaching, after “push food” will be “push toy”. It’s an idea, and we’ll see how it works.

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bandicam 2015-03-22 20-20-51-452 copyIn due time, Peony laid her egg, and thankfully, she wasn’t hard to feed so long as other Norns weren’t around. Before long, she was crowded and I couldn’t get her to eat another bite. At least her health danced around 75%. Basically, I had nothing to worry about. She even smiled, and often! With her new egg, that put our egg counter at 6. With no babies in the import queue, this made things very easy to

I still had to worry about Cassy and Danny’s deteriorating health, however. With the pair secluded from the other norns, it wasn’t too hard to feed Cassy, but Danny was still a challenge. Thankfully, a quick slap on the rump was all it eventually took. Peony, still recovering from her pregnancy was the only challenge I had now. Of course, as surrounded by norns as she was now, it seemed like I had no hope feeding her!

bandicam 2015-03-22 20-32-17-996 copyI had to isolate her on the western dock before she would finally eat. It meant separating her from all the other norns, but for the sake of her health, I would argue that the hassle was worth it.

Finally, once everyone was healthy and happy, I could look forward to the next egg without any worry or stress. David was our oldest now and didn’t even have grey hair yet, so not only was there no cause to introduce a new norn right away, but I didn’t have to worry about anyone dying of old age for a while. Not a bad scene to come back to, I think.

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