I wanted to start another wolfling run after my Toxic population failed but as I mulled over what breed I wanted to try, an idea popped into my head.

I wanted to sample all of the breeds I’ve downloaded but, naturally, I tend to stick to my favorite breeds.

The challenge goes like this. I’m going to open up advanced muco and play with one of each norn breed. Instead of spending time with one breed and one creature at a time, I’m going to adopt, for example, an Apple Norn and an Aqua Grendel and get them to breed. (With the help of Creature Crossbreeding, of course.)

Once they’ve bred and produced a baby, I’ll breed that baby with the next creature in Muco’s list, in my case, an Astro norn. The challenge here is to try to reach the last breed available in muco without having the population die out.

That’s the process! The rules are simple. CFE only.

If you’d like to attempt this challenge, you’re more than welcome to and change any rules or conditions that you like.

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I’ve been toying around with World Concepts for the blog since I started playing Creatures 1 and I’ve decided to start a new world with the Pearl Maids.

Matriarchal Society
Similar to Jessica of Discover Albia’s C3/DS world, I’d like to have a dominant sex. This time, I’d like the dominant sex to be female. Instead of having many females producing babies, I would like the dominant female to produce litters. I will also limit the population to just 6 which leaves her with 5 males. These five males will be chosen based on their genes. Why allow big litters? Because I want to have lots of norns to choose from.

Amphibian Species
There is an added challenge to this group where the female can only beach herself to lay her eggs. Eggs that aren’t laid on the surface will not be allowed into the next round and are assumed to be drowned. Eggs will, however, be placed on a special part of the map to separate them from unsuccessful eggs and to prevent them from hatching. This will help keep the population I have to choose from getting too big.

Two Worlds
Though Pearl Maid norns are fully amphibian their entire lives (can live on land or water) I will leave adults in the water and children on land. I’ll keep babies and children in the Norn Meso and once they reach breeding age, they’ll be allowed into Aquanornia. Once they make it into aquanornia, they are no longer allowed back into the Meso. This just seems more fitting to me. Since they look like land animals until they become adults, they’ll live like them.

I haven’t started this yet but the world and agents are in place. Here’s what I’m using.

Pearl Maid Agents
* Coral Emitter
* Shelly
Magic Words
* Core
* Marks (maybe)
* Room Edits
Creatures Nametags
Garden Box
Growing Bramboo Vendor

Note that I’m not using any Swimming Agents for this world. Swimming agents prevent the norns from reaching different levels of the Aquanornia metaroom.

Here’s something to look forward to, then!

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