Nevermind bacteria. I’m only a week away from moving my things and I’m not sure I’m willing to deal with the stress that comes from the bacteria in this game. I just wish it weren’t so outright deadly. I don’t die every time I catch a cold or get a fever, y’know?


The norns have taken to getting themselves injured and the two boneys are faring well on their own.

By now, all the norns but Five Cheese were Old and Impartial Relation and Flawless Color were as well. All the other Grendels were adults and Bethany was on her way to adulthood herself and she’s shaping up to be a very happy grendel. At 32 minutes she’s a youth. While I’m excited about any eggs she has, I’m also nervous about the imminent deaths of my norns and the remaining Generation 2 Grendels.

Still, better to press on knowing that I’ve got 12 norn eggs, 4 grendel eggs, 1 norn and 1 grendel waiting to be welcomed into the world.

I felt sad for Wide-Eyed Payment since she wouldn’t be able to lay her eggs. Her pregnancy didn’t seem to cause her any discomfort, however. The problems didn’t stop, though. Lowly Adjustment, my old Civet norn, was caught slapping Five Cheese. They’ve all taken to slapping each other but they don’t seem to be slapping back to defend themselves. Naturally, this meant I had to take Lowly Adjustment to the rehab area that I set aside. I set him in the room and was almost instantly met with two pregnancy notifications. It looked like Gifted Waves was going to be a daddy! Bethany laid both of her eggs very quickly and I scooped them up for storage.

Lowly Adjustment was returned to the Norn Terrarium very quickly when I realized that he wasn’t moving because he was so bored. Naturally, he did the first thing he could think of to entertain himself. He jumped off the top level down to the second.


Bethany still had two eggs left to lay before she could retire from having little ones and I was exicited to see who the next father would be. My heart sank a little when I realized that she was the only Adult left in this Terrarium. The only other male Grendel who could still breed was Tuatara, who had a bad gene. Bethany would only lay two eggs. I decided to cherish them anyway.

I dreaded another slew of deaths was coming soon and I was right. As of writing, Flawless Color has just died. She felt a lot of pain from the slaps of other grendels in her last hour alive. She was one of the more interesting looking Grendels of the bunch and she very quickly became a mother of four when she reached adulthood. I’ll miss you, Color. At least you had Bethany nearby to keep you company.

I was worried that a norn would be next so I headed to the Norn Terrarium and found this.

These two old norns were still kiss-popping by the elevators. I’m lucky to have such happy and loving norns. Everyone loves each other! There were a few long-lasting friendships, as well. The closest was probably Sour Drink and Five Cheese. Just after this photo was taken, Sour Drink suggested Five Cheese eat a seed and they headed down the elevator together to push toys and eat seeds.

Then, suddenly, Five Cheese’s blonde hair turned white!

I can’t say I was expecting the change to happen while she was on screen but I was expecting this to happen soon all the same. I didn’t mean to get into the shot this time but I think it fits anyway. I love you, too, Cheese.

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4 Thoughts on “Nevermind Bugs

  1. Have you tried the X-Ray 2.0 agent?

    It lets you monitor the health of the organs inside your creatures, and graphs some useful sets of chemicals.

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