bandicam 2014-11-28 15-46-02-534 copyIf asked to go on a vacation with Jane, I would wholeheartedly decline. The Jungle isn’t my idea of an ideal vacay spot, but Jane certainly seems to enjoy it. I will admit that the magic beans make this place more interesting but still. Not my thing.

I had other sights to see with the rest of the norns, though. Once they decided that pushing portals was fun, they were all over the ship. Geoffrey and Percy made their way to the desert, Susan went to the jungle, William to the Norn Meso they were still traveling for a while. Henrietta and Paulie both stuck to the Norn Terrarium and napped near the heater.

bandicam 2014-11-29 14-27-21-562 copyBefore long, everyone was out and about doing their own thing. I even tried to get Susan pregnant when she was alone with Percy but, no such luck, I’m not currently expecting any new eggs from this group. Jane was still near the two of them so I encouraged her to use the elevator to visit them. Despite a kisspop, no pregnancy notifications.

After a while, I decided to visit everyone and offer a shower of hand food. I installed a few more heaters and, when I wasn’t looking, Jane and Percy made another egg together. I was feeling very pessimistic that Susan would ever try for one. At least she got along alright with Henrietta.

bandicam 2014-11-29 14-49-57-650 copySpeaking of, Henrietta became pregnant and had an egg when my attention was diverted. Good for you! Everyone, meet Oodle. He’s the newest of our grendels.

I wasn’t planning on a second population in this game, but it was welcome nonetheless. I fed everyone and made a note to pay closer attention next time.

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