bandicam 2014-12-05 23-19-34-152 copyIt shouldn’t come as a surprise by now that Boshi, another of mea’s zombie creatures, turned out to have half of her genes missing! I suspect her “if energy reaches zero, die” gene is also missing.

Goodness gracious. Unlike the other girls who prefer hitting and pushing things, though, her quirk is that she spends a lot of time sleeping.

Beside her floating head, she’s awful cute though, right?

bandicam 2014-12-06 14-26-31-825 copyBupyofupyo has the very same issue as Boshi and Bihia but she has about 100 more genes intact.

A peek at her drives shows that had a load of sleepiness like the other girls but reducing the sleepiness with CAOS and then watching her rest showed that resting still produced boredom and sleepiness like in regular norns.

Introducing a toy fixed the problem but this caused her to become obsessed with them. She would be a very playful norn if she learned pushing norns reduced boredom.

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