Opal still had a long pregnancy going and Babs and Bobby were due to have an egg of their own soon. Eventually, I had to C-Section Opal (for my own sake) and then I could focus on her recovery.

bandicam 2014-12-02 00-21-50-635 copyBeing the father of so many unhatched eggs couldn’t have been easy, though. Gavin was easily beating out Aidan and he almost seemed very proud of this fact.

I checked on Aidan and found him in the trees, where I’d left him over an hour ago. His health hadn’t dipped or anything so I hadn’t needed to check on him specifically. I did lure him down and he was soon among the population again.bandicam 2014-12-02 00-25-57-005 copyHopefully, he would add to this collection of colorful eggs. They almost look like trinkets, and Lydia like their guard (or hoarder).

bandicam 2014-12-02 00-27-28-825 copySince I was checking on the boys anyway, I found Bobby by the deadly Death Cap mushroom. I quickly got him out with the lift but he insisted on playing with the lift to go back down anyway. Once he left on his own, I felt safe again.

I did have to divert my attention again, though. Babs refused to eat since laying her egg. Her health dipped into the upper 40s and I started nagging her to eat. She only stubbornly stomped back and forth below the waterfall. After stomping around more, she finally settled in the computer room where she napped. She still had her cheese with her but seemed to refuse to eat it.

I eventually gave up.

Aidan was faring much better, however. He’d hardly moved from his spot but was still doing fine. I guess staying still doesn’t take much energy at all. Our grendel did walk up and slap him as he passed, though. Entertaining though that was, it wasn’t very nice and it didn’t seem to do much at all to help Aidan get ambulatory again.

Unfortunately, it seemed like his body just froze. He could still grab things but the science kit showed that his drives hadn’t changed at all for a while. Restarting the game didn’t work but, somehow, a quick slap on the butt got him sorted. How odd!

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With 4 norns on the island and the other 2 doing their own thing, it was very easy to keep up with the group at the start of today’s session. Lydia laid her egg and it was placed with the others for future hatching. It hurt me a little to have to wait but I was very excited for what would come out anyway. I did want to add a Gen 1 next but I wanted to sit it out a little first. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to commit to that decision.

Eventually, I decided to leave a “gap” between the first and second eggs to allow for a gen 1. The gen 1’s sex would depend on the sex of the next natural born baby.

bandicam 2014-12-01 23-48-22-592 copySpeaking of, guess who was finally old enough to breed? Right! Bobby and Babs both.

I was hoping that the pair would breed soon. As much as I like to complain about having too many eggs, I’d rather too many than not enough!

Sadly, they didn’t breed, even when encouraged, so i decided to let them try again on their own time. Most of the recent pregnancies have occurred “off camera”.

bandicam 2014-12-01 23-52-24-573 copyMeanwhile, these three seemed to be having an argument over this prime napping/viewing space! The nerve of Gavin keeping it to himself!

I gave the nearby Grendel a honey pot and decided to let those three work it out. A norn slap-fight is almost impossible to break up in this game.

I eventually maanged to get Gavin away from the ladies but I still wasn’t able to feed them amidst their arguing. At least Gavin shared the honey pot with the Grendel ok. Oh well. Maybe later.

I did, eventually manage to separate Opal and Lydia and feed them both but, as soon as Opal met Gavin, I had another egg on the way. It seems like Opal only has eyes for Gavin by now! I still encouraged Bobby and Babs to breed but I’ve had no luck just yet.

Finally, after something like 15 minutes of waiting, Babs and Bobby became pregnant! Congrats!

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bandicam 2014-12-01 23-08-20-148 copyBommm bommm bommm bomm. “Music!”

Uh. Whatever you say, honey.

I spent a few minutes teaching Bobby and Babs about music. Naturally, they each banged on the drum for a while. They didn’t have much talent but they were having fun, and I was happy to let them each play. I also taught Bobby about Weeds and Plants, and Babs about drinks. When Babs learned about Weeds and Plants, she immediately stuffed her mouth full of weeds but wouldn’t touch the plant, even when asked. Silly girl.

bandicam 2014-12-01 23-18-03-674 copySoon enough, I had another egg on my hands. Babs hadn’t turned an hour old yet and the other egg was still frozen. I was so pleased to see this group breeding, though. In the past, I had a much harder time getting them to breed but now? It’s a relative breeze! I haven’t even done anything particularly special with the world besides extra passageways and the addition of a fridge.

While I tended to Opal and her pregnancy, Aidan managed to get sick. Luckily, he was in the house already but Gavin and the Grendel were with him! I just about managed to get him trapped in the computer room where he couldn’t get anyone else sick and encouraged him to eat.

bandicam 2014-12-01 23-25-15-821 copyHe had other plans, but I was glad that he was at least resting away from the other creatures. I took a peek with the science kit and it turned out to be Antigen 6 attacking poor Aidan. He refused food so all I could do was watch and wait.

I had panic attack when Opal got sick as well. Thankfully, her sickness came from eating a weed rather than a serious bacteria. Once Aidan recovered, I was free to check on the other norns again. Opal laid her egg and it was collected for later.

Before I could even catch my breath, Lydia became pregnant again. My goodness, ladies! I need a second! It looked like Gavin would be a father again.

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bandicam 2014-12-01 22-29-19-535 copyBobby watched movies with the projector, Babs played in the garden, Lydia hung around on the island, Gavin and Aidan played with a ball together and Opal was above the submarine, headed for the island. Soon, somehow, Lydia, Aidan, Gavin and Opal all managed to get on said submarine and during one of the most crowded, miserable rides ever, Lydia managed to get pregnant.bandicam 2014-12-01 22-36-17-198 copyNorns will be norns, I suppose.

bandicam 2014-12-01 22-43-03-011 copyShe didn’t look a bit pleased when she finally got off of the sub, though. I also didn’t have any idea who the father was! I suspect it was Gavin but I won’t know for sure for a little while.

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to hatch this egg right away or not. I was feeling pretty happy with a group of 6 and didn’t really want to go any higher than that just yet. Beside that, I’d like to have a small clutch of eggs to hang on to just in case disaster strikes. Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t been hit with one of Albia’s famous plagues yet. In fact, the only problems I’ve had have been with keeping Lydia and Opal’s health up after their pregnancies. Their life force inevitably dips after each egg. Once they were both in ok shape again, I made my rounds.

bandicam 2014-12-01 22-57-27-956 copySince he’s (basically) found a land of honey, you’d think he’d be more excited, wouldn’t you? Well, he may have been stung before I made my way to him but you never know.

bandicam 2014-12-01 23-01-44-024 copyLydia on the other hand needed special emergency care. She wasn’t sick, instead I think she was being mercilessly slapped! I had Grendel Friendly on but the Grendel, Opal and Gavin were all there.

It’s really anyone’s guess who the mad slapper was. Her health dipped as low as 34% but a load of carrots and cheese got her fixed right up. In her happy picture there, she’s smiling and on the way to recovery with 50% health. Good thing I was watching the Observation Kit.

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