With so many creatures on hand and all of the crowding together, I decided to take a new measure. I froze them all with Ctrl+7 and moved them into the different living areas, one by one by hand. Once everyone was evenly spread out between the Meso, Norn Terrarium, Jungle Terrarium and Desert, they were free to roam again.

bandicam 2015-02-19 13-32-28-121 copyImmediately, things were quieter, and it was a nice change from everyone talking about how much they liked or disliked X norn or Y norn. My relief was cut short by a death notification, however. Olga had passed away due to old age. She at least had Peri to keep her company in her final moments and I had to add a new baby to the pool soon.

bandicam 2015-02-19 13-34-01-772 copyBut then, something heart wrenching happened. Mikaela died! I removed bacteria from the world, so my best guess is that she died of starvation. One problem with having such a huge population is the tremendous distraction that other norns can provide. A lack of food wasn’t the issue this time – I showered each group with food and added new food with Garden Box to each Terrarium. Poor dear.

bandicam 2015-02-19 13-36-50-884 copyI  changed my tactic. Instead of just adding food, I would also say “eat seed” or “eat food” to encourage them to eat. It seemed to work and there seemed to be a small crowd forming in the desert when I made my rounds to feed everyone. I was also happy to see Fidget eating (her tail is just visible above) since she had such a sad life in the event.

bandicam 2015-02-19 13-39-36-345 copyIt soon came time to add another baby and this time, Aster would join us. When I imported her, I tried telling her to eat seed and she started to eat everything that I put down in front of her. What an appetite!

Lemons, carrots and seeds all disappeared in just a matter of seconds before she went off in search of norns, toys or more food. Who knows what was going through her mind after that feast.

I brought her a toy and the quacking from the toy didn’t stop for a long time.

bandicam 2015-02-19 13-48-40-579 copyNext to pass away was Adelphos. If I remember right, he was the first male to enter this world. Lin and Logic were nearby to keep him company.

He, like most of the other norns, will be survived by many, many eggs. I only had to wait a few moments after Adelphos’ passing before I had to introduce the next and final baby for this run. Who would it be?

bandicam 2015-02-19 13-57-46-486 copyWell, if you were taking notes (and trust me, I wasn’t), you might know that it’s Stain, one of the winners of the event.

I always really liked his appearance and was happy to see he’d finally join us.

With the final baby introduced to the world, I could not only put away Norn Statistics, but I could also focus on what the norns were doing and on feeding them. Not to say that it was hard before but remember that Drake and Mikaela both passed away and not due to old age. As much as it pained me, it was ultimately up to me to make sure that didn’t happen. Still, with 117 eggs and counting, plus the vastly improved health of all the norns in the world, I was still willing to call this consolation run a success. Now to wait for this group to finish its cycle so I could hatch all those eggs!

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