Join in on the Creatures Community Quilt project for 2015!
View the quilt and the “public page” here.
The point of this project is to show your appreciation for the Creatures Community by adding your own 120 x 120 square to the quilt. Make your mark, show off your creativity and share your love of Creatures and the Community.
Over time, watch the quilt grow as I update the quilt every 4 squares. At the end of the year, I will ‘stitch’ all of the rows together and post the finished quilt online. Squares will be placed in the order that they were submitted.
If this turns out to be a popular activity, I’ll repeat this next year!
You can view the quilt here. I know I only frequent the Creatures Caves, but members from ALL forums are welcome to contribute to the quilt project so long as the quilt is PG-13 or lower and is Creatures related. Please send all squares to kezune_twitch@hotmail.com. I will host the files here on your behalf to avoid hot linking.
What are the rules?
– Maximum 10 squares per member. There is no minimum number, of course. This gives everyone an equal chance to express their adoration for the games and the community that they bore.
– Quilts must be related to Creatures. They can depict fanart, poems, screenshots, or anything else you can think of that is related to Creatures, including agents and works in progress.
– The squares must be no larger and no smaller than 120×120 px. Uniformity will make the quilt nice and tidy.
– You can share your squares in the Graphics section of the Gallery or host them yourself.
– I will not add your name to the squares so if you want your name included on them, you must add them yourself.
– Deadline is December 31st, 2015. You have plenty of time, but don’t forget!
How do I start?
For your convenience, I’ve already created these files for you to use. The .png file is only meant to be a guide and you don’t need to use the stitching. You can create your own stitching if you prefer, as well.
Below that picture, I’ve provided a link to the .PSD so that if you have Photoshop, you can use that.
The quilt squares can be made in any image editing software.