Bobby watched movies with the projector, Babs played in the garden, Lydia hung around on the island, Gavin and Aidan played with a ball together and Opal was above the submarine, headed for the island. Soon, somehow, Lydia, Aidan, Gavin and Opal all managed to get on said submarine and during one of the most crowded, miserable rides ever, Lydia managed to get pregnant.
Norns will be norns, I suppose.
She didn’t look a bit pleased when she finally got off of the sub, though. I also didn’t have any idea who the father was! I suspect it was Gavin but I won’t know for sure for a little while.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to hatch this egg right away or not. I was feeling pretty happy with a group of 6 and didn’t really want to go any higher than that just yet. Beside that, I’d like to have a small clutch of eggs to hang on to just in case disaster strikes. Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t been hit with one of Albia’s famous plagues yet. In fact, the only problems I’ve had have been with keeping Lydia and Opal’s health up after their pregnancies. Their life force inevitably dips after each egg. Once they were both in ok shape again, I made my rounds.
Since he’s (basically) found a land of honey, you’d think he’d be more excited, wouldn’t you? Well, he may have been stung before I made my way to him but you never know.
Lydia on the other hand needed special emergency care. She wasn’t sick, instead I think she was being mercilessly slapped! I had Grendel Friendly on but the Grendel, Opal and Gavin were all there.
It’s really anyone’s guess who the mad slapper was. Her health dipped as low as 34% but a load of carrots and cheese got her fixed right up. In her happy picture there, she’s smiling and on the way to recovery with 50% health. Good thing I was watching the Observation Kit.