bandicam 2015-01-08 14-00-10-116 copyGood ol’ Aidan. Every time I see him, I’m just glad he’s up and moving around again. There were a few hours of his life where he’d hardly moved due to some kind of world-glitch but now he’s better.

He’s also quite old, at 9 and a half hours old. Lydia is even older, though.

Of course, the old girl wasn’t about to give me a break.

bandicam 2015-01-08 14-21-29-750 copyI begged her to eat, as usual, and did my best to keep the other creatures away from her. She managed to eat a Parsnip and her health went up for a short while, but it got as low as 36% before she finally decided to eat. This game can be very nerve wracking. She spun helplessly into the glass every time she coughed.

As I tended to Lydia, Opal, despite her old age, managed to get pregnant again. This meant I had two norns I had to keep healthy and well fed. Lucky for me, Opal was at least cooperative when it came to feeding.

Lydia managed to eat more off-screen and as her body fought Antigen 4 she slept. When her body had won that battle, I was finally free to let Opal and David visit her.

bandicam 2015-01-08 14-37-49-443 copyOnce Lydia started her recovery and Opal laid her egg, it was time to make my rounds, which was very simple. Aidan was picking carrots in the swamp by the tree and all the other norns were on the island.

Hopefully, nobody on the island would get sick. Getting everyone else sick would be an absolute tragedy.

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