bandicam 2015-01-03 13-10-51-294 copyGracious, what a picture. One of our oldest norns, Aidan, looking at the bright, young face of our youngest norn, Cassy. It’s downright charming. Actually, I wouldn’t mind this for a sticker to put on a binder or my next ipad case.

Anyway, I took the books to Grub to teach him his words. Hopefully, this would help him communicate with me and the Norns.

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-29-19-771 copyAidan and Cassy slapped and stared at each other in the garden while I tried to convince them to eat some carrots. Unfortunately, I had no luck because they were so preoccupied with each other. Bobby played with the instruments and I occasionally brought him food – I think he was in the grasp of creative inspiration. David was sad, spending a lot of his time on the pier. I don’t think he much liked being lonely but I tried to lead him to the island where Opal was trying to reach the sea horse and Lydia and Grub discussed the food and the wooden cart.

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-32-43-522 copyJust then, Opal’s hair turned a bright, silvery white. It seemed to me that Opal aged the most gracefully so far. Aidan’s hair has fallen out, Lydia looked very tired and even the tips of her ears were white now but Opal seemed, if you’ll allow me to break the fourth wall, like a simple recolor of her younger self. She’d even retained her size!

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-36-00-039 copyWhen I’d finally gotten David over, he and Grub looked out over the ocean together and I actually glimpsed a smile. I guess the poor guy was just lonesome. It got me thinking that maybe Bobby could use some company and with the help of some lifts and the air tram, I got him closer to the others.

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