bandicam 2015-01-03 12-34-04-517 copyAmidst all the chaos and illness in the last few entries, I hardly had any time for poor David who was now on his way to being a young man. The poor guy. Normally, I like to impart some handish wisdom in their first 20 minutes of life. I did find time to teach him about herbs and weeds but he seemed to know enough already. He learned to rest and eat on his own, so I wasn’t too worried about him.

I did need to hatch a lady friend, though.bandicam 2015-01-03 12-38-54-013 copybandicam 2015-01-03 12-39-52-719 copy

This is Cassy. She learned her words with the help of the books, and got to eat pretty quickly. She and David have already met so, with any luck, they’ll become friends and become a pair when they grow up. I already like the odds of the Horse Norn look becoming popular in my world. I gave the two a chance to get to know each other and took some time to get to know this world’s grendel, Grub.

bandicam 2015-01-03 12-47-00-444 copySo far, the big guy hasn’t left the island and he and Lydia have become fast friends. The two of them spend most of their time staring at the sea horse and playing with a ball I’ve brought them. To make life simpler and easier on the island-goers, I added Bliumea plants from Jessi’s Cobs. And for variety, I added Rodirea near the hooch. Lastly, I added Muppetboy’s Parsnip patch.

bandicam 2015-01-03 13-06-55-457 copyFood was looking very abundant this time around. Despite this, Opal still had trouble finding food for herself. The parsnips hadn’t grown yet so I decided to bring her some food in the shape of a garden carrot.

Soon, she was smiling again. I guess the game decided to give me a break after so many heart-attacks in a row. 😛

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