bandicam 2015-04-11 19-22-31-686 copyIt seemed like Hoss was growing up so fast! Look at that reach! Plus he was already learning to woo the ladies. He walked right past Mallory who insisted on following and tickling the little guy! He was more interested in the musicola, though.

He eventually changed his mind and turned his attention to Mallory, but I think that had more to do with her nagging him than anything.

It didn’t seem like the older males minded his presence. By now, they were all old, greying men and spent most of their time sleeping. It seemed like Handsome Hoss might be the girls’ best bet at having more eggs. Lucky guy!

Peony continued to make friends with Grub, our resident Grendel and Grub meanwhile kept munching on carrots and checking in with all of his norn friends. As I did my rounds, I realized just how far Grub was travelling to see his comrades. Except Mallory and Hoss, the norns were all separated from each other! Danny hung out in the tree above the garden, Peony was in the underground level of the temple. David was on the pier on the tree side. Perry was alone on the island. And Tabby was by the bees. That’s quite a rare spread for me!

It was just a matter of time before some groups started to form. Mallory and Hoss were still on their own but Tabby was now with Danny and David. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem interested in their discussion by the button and eventually moved to the paddle boat. David followed. Maybe Perry would finally have some company again?

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