When I returned, AppleJack was sick, but a few lemons and carrots later, she was smiling at me again.

I wasn’t having much luck getting Patrick to eat, though. Like Godfried, he spent much of his time holding the carrot, unsure what to do with it.

Penny got sick, too and complained about feeling hot. She recovered quickly so I can only assume that she just ate a weed.

There was a lull of activity. Patrick played with the elevators on the island, AppleJack watched the fish in the lighthouse swim, Penny kept the grendel company and Godfried stomped through the swamp carrots, occasionally eating with my advice.

Now that everyone was happy and healthy, I decided it was time to introduce Godfried’s new sibling.

Meet Candice, everyone!

231  40   0 Emb   B MutDupCut   2*Antigen5 + 1*Glucose => 1*Antibody5 + 1*Hotness; half-life = 88.

Like her brother before her, the half life in this reaction is slower than in the original genome. Whether it’s beneficial or not has yet to be seen!

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