If you’ve read my bibble on CCaves, you might know that my neighbor has a nest of bees living in his house. They hover around the front door and we think they might be in his air conditioner. Seeing as we have an orange tree and lemon tree in our yards, I’m honestly afraid to go outside, especially out to the front yard where they gather nectar from our orange blossoms.

That said, there’s nothing for me to do today but finish indoor chores and play video games. My computer is still kaput so… Creatures.

When last we left off in our C3/DS world, Penny had just become an oldster and Dynasty a pre-teen.

Since there was still some time left before little Dynasty would have babies of her own, I added some color to the game.

The boys have leaves and the ladies have tiaras. The next thing I knew, though, I had three old norns on my hands!

With age comes character and wisdom, you know.

They slowed their pace quite a bit, naturally. Resting and eating were their only activities but Charles, who was still full of life, managed to impregnate Dynasty. We had our fifth egg and now it looks like Godfrey won’t be fathering every egg for this generation. He almost did, having sired 4 of our 5 eggs so far!

Now that Dynasty was the mother of one of his children, Charles didn’t leave her side. That said, he was the natural choice to be the father of her next and final baby.

Dynasty finally became an adult at just over an hour old. PennyWhistle had become ancient at 4 hours, 41 mintues and I knew her time would run out soon. Was she a Gizmo norn? I don’t know for sure but I’m glad she got to enjoy her life here.

With activity slowing down again, I decided to export the new babies.

Rather than continue with the next generation, I would finish this one out and start a new group of norns.

Slowly, but surely, this group would be closing the last chapters of their lives soon, though Dynasty would be in the rear.

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