With just two exceptions, Dynasty and Charles, all the norns were resting. The older norns were definitely starting to show their age and they hardly moved anymore.

Soon, I would usher in the next few members of the next generation.

First to come would be the only surviving offspring of Sylvia, Faust. Her sister Katrina died.

Being the daughter of Theo, I was expecting some Bengal stripes but not quite so many! Look at all that orange!

She’s separated from the others while she learns some survival skills and manners. :3

Once I’d run her through the IQ test, she was allowed to join the others. Alone in the Norn Meso, I hoped she would make it to Terra or company would come to her.

We played with the beach ball a little and she had to rest.

I feared for Bianca, Godfrey and Pennywhistle. They had all become Ancient and stopped eating. They only cried when I pleaded with them to eat some seeds.

Oscar was next to become ancient and he stopped moving as well.

I gathered all the ancient norns together around the heater. If they were going to pass away soon, I at least wanted them to be comfortable.


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