Now that everyone had recovered from the plague, they were taking a vacation on the island. The only norn who didn’t get sick, AppleJack, was hanging out with the bees. Fun fact. AppleJack maintained a health of about 90% during the plague!

It didn’t take long for AppleJack to decide to join the rest of her family on the island. It also didn’t take her long to change her mind and decide to head back to the waterfall, though!

With the others on the bridge, I took the opportunity to snap this photo of AppleJack.

Penny and Godfried flirted on the island while Patrick worked on making a new friend and AppleJack explored the lighthouse and falls. By now, AppleJack had proven to be the most independent norn.

Soon, though, Penny was pregnant with her first egg! Godfried slept on the bridge after his achievement (and after some slapping from Penny after more unwanted advances).

Penny took care to feed herself but Godfried seemed to be having trouble eating on his own. As if on queue, Penny came up to distract him some more, and then our Grendel friend stopped by to say hello and congratulate the happy couple.

Now, there were two eggs under the garden.

There was still one egg left to hatch. Does Godfried have another brother or a sister? Do Penny and Godfried have a boy or a girl?

More next time!

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