bandicam 2015-01-03 12-04-48-127 copyIt took some time but a lemon and some firm smacks on the butt later, Lydia was finally totally recovered. I don’t think she was pleased with me, but her improving health should have been reward enough, I think.

Now, Lydia was 9 hours old, with Aidan over 8, Opal over 6 and Bobby over 5. With this new medical crisis over, it felt like a good time to introduce some new blood.

Despite the two new eggs in the world, it should be noted that the eggs from before the “soft reset” take priority here.

bandicam 2015-01-03 12-07-10-010 copyMeet David. Till just a moment ago, his name was “1”.

He took off like a shot, running out of the house but I managed to chase after him with the Encyclopaedia Nornica and teach him all his words. The sad truth was that I was getting tired of teaching them all the old way and this was much quicker. I did have to change a few things, the hand would be called “Mama” and the “ugly” would be called a “grendel”.

bandicam 2015-01-03 12-18-10-856 copyAfter lessons were done, it was time to get the little guy fed. Then, as though I wasn’t stressed enough already, Lydia’s health dipped because she wasn’t eating and Opal became sick. I dumped a load of food by Lydia and the grendel at the island and tended to Opal, who ate a lemon right away, but was still not well. Unlike with Lydia, I checked to see what was making Opal sick. This time, it was Antigen 3 and though she continued to eat, the decline in her health was only slowed, not stopped.

I tried to deliver a feverfew to her to see if that would cause any change. Instead, she slept a while. Once her nap was over, she happily at the plant and I brought her some toys to entertain her while she was in quarantine. She ate well on her own and downed some honey and carrots. It seemed like she wanted to be a very cooperative patient.While she napped, I quickly checked on the others but I was very worried. Her health was still on the decline despite her excellent eating habits.

Below, David visited the temple and Opal had just pressed the lift to go down. I guess she wanted to see the new baby, being a mother of many herself.

bandicam 2015-01-03 12-24-41-194 copyIt was then I was worried that disaster would strike. Thankfully, Opal had just recovered from her illness. To celebrate, opal drank the alcohol on the piano. She finished her glass then went on to explore, like usual. I collected the empty glasses and placed them by the still, but I wasn’t about to spread the drinks all over Albia, hilarious though that might be.

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